What is percentage, percentage, percentage, percentage method?
A number indicating that one number is a percentage of another number is called a percentage. Percentage is a special form of fraction. In other words, a fraction with a denominator of 100 is called a percentage.
In industrial and agricultural production and scientific research, people often need to collect relevant data in order to make necessary quantitative statistics, quantitative comparison, quality analysis and effect test. If it is expressed in the form of a general fraction, it is not easy to see the exact change because of the different denominator. The denominator of the percentage is 100. As long as you look at the molecules, you can see the obvious differences and changes between numbers. So percentage is widely used in all walks of life.
For example:
(1) Through deepening reform, the output of furniture factory this year is 128% of that of last year.
(2) After the salary adjustment, the income of Wang Xin's family increased by 25%.
(3) Due to the success of family planning in a county, the birth rate dropped by 2% this year compared with last year.
Changing the last term of the ratio of two numbers into 100 is called percentage.
For example:
The tractor factory produced 225 tractors in April and 250 in May. The percentage of production units in April and May is 225∶250=90∶ 100.
When a number is represented by 100 as the denominator, the number represented is called a percentage.
For example:
(1) Last year, the yield per mu of rice increased by 20% over the previous year. This 20% is a number, 10% means one tenth, and 20% means two tenths, which is 20%.
(2) A factory completed 63% of the annual plan in the first half of the year. Here 63% is decimal 0.63, and the percentage is 63%.
The three concepts of percentage, percentage and percentage have the same meaning, although their expressions are slightly different in different scopes and under different circumstances.
The percentage method is used to express the quantitative relationship and calculation method of things. In other words, the method of finding percentage and applying percentage to solve practical problems is called percentage method. For example:
(1) There are 50 students in Class One, Grade Six, and 48 students attended today. What percentage of attendance is required? 48 ÷ 50 = 0.96 = 96% A:
The attendance rate is 96%.
(2) Workshop workers 120 people, and today's attendance rate is 95%. How many people are present today? 120× 95% = 1 14 (person) A: It's on duty today114 person.