Zi Mozi said, "The jade of harmony, the pearl of the Sui and Hou Dynasties, with three spines and six differences, is what our princes call a good treasure. Can you enrich the country and strengthen the people, administer criminal law and decide the country? Sayno. The so-called treasure of noble people, because it can also benefit. The jade of harmony, the pearl of Sui and Hou dynasties, with three spines and six differences, cannot benefit people and is a good treasure in the world. Today, ruling the country with righteousness, the people must be numerous, punishment must be ruled, and the country must be safe. Those who value goodness can benefit the people, and righteousness can benefit others, so there is a saying: righteousness is a good treasure in the world. " -Excerpt from Mozi? Tillage column
Mozi said, "He Shibi, the empress of Sui Dynasty, has three purlins and six wings. This is what the princes call a good treasure. Can they enrich the country and people, manage criminal justice and maintain social stability? The answer is: no, the so-called precious treasure must benefit the world. And choi, Sui, Jiuding, three purlin six wings, can not bring tangible benefits to people, so these are not good treasures on earth. Today, a country's just politics will inevitably increase the number of people, criminal politics will inevitably lead to great governance, and the country will inevitably be stable. The so-called preciousness will benefit the people, and righteousness can benefit the people, so righteousness is a good treasure in the world. "
Second, the theory of chivalrous demeanor: hook it with emotion and take it with courtesy.
In the past, Chu people fought against Vietnamese ships in the river. Chu people went downstream, retreated against the current, advanced at the sight of advantages, and retreated at the sight of disadvantages. The more you sail against the current, the more you retreat, the more you advance when you see the advantages, and the more you retreat when you see the disadvantages. Therefore, the more people gain power, they will defeat the Chu people. From southern Shandong to Chu, the loser began to be the weapon of boat war. As a preparation for a strong hook, those who retreat will hook it, those who advance will strengthen it, measure the length of its strong hook, and make it a soldier. On the soldier's day in Chu, the more soldiers there are, the more people in Chu will be defeated. The loser is clever. Mozi said, "I have a strong hook in the boat battle. I wonder if the son's intention is also strong?" Zi Mozi said, "The hook of my righteousness is stronger than the hook of the battle of my boat. I hook me, hook it with love, and draw it with respect. If you hook up with love, don't kiss, bow respectfully and leave quickly, or leave quickly if you don't kiss. It is still beneficial for old friends to love each other and respect each other. Today, children hook people to stop people, and people also hook people to stop children. Children are strong and far away, and people are strong and far away. Children, strong and strong, are still harmful. Therefore, the hook of my righteousness is strong, and the hook of the battle of Xianzhou is strong. " -Excerpt from Mozi? Lu Wen "
Once upon a time, Chu people and Vietnamese fought on the Yangtze River, and Chu people went downstream and retreated against the current; It is difficult to attack when you see the advantages, and it is difficult to retreat when you see the disadvantages. Vietnamese go upstream and retreat downstream; Attack when you see advantages, retreat when you see disadvantages, and you can retreat quickly. With this water potential, the Vietnamese defeated the Chu people many times. The public transport board swam from southern Shandong to Chu, so it began to make weapons for ship warfare. He built hook-and-inlay equipment, which was hooked by enemy ships when they retreated and turned away when they attacked with inlays. Calculate the length of hooks and inlays and make appropriate weapons. The weapons of Chu people are applicable, but those of Vietnamese people are not. With this advantage, the Chu people defeated the Vietnamese many times. The board praised his dexterity in making hooks and inlays, and told Mozi, "Our ship has its own hooks and inlays. I wonder if your so-called' righteousness' is also hooked and embedded? " Mozi replied, "My hook and inlay are better than those on your boat. I take righteousness as the hook, love as the hook, and respect as the rejection. If you don't love hooks, you won't kiss. If you push it away irreverently, you will be easily despised. If you are not close, you will soon be separated. Therefore, mutual care and respect are mutually beneficial. Now you stop others with hooks, and others will stop you with hooks; You push people away with inlays, and people will push you away with inlays. Hook up with each other, push each other away, so hurt each other. Therefore, my hook and sleeve are better than your boat. "
Third, the theory of chivalrous gains and losses: there is no way in the world, although it is a hundred miles away!
◎. Mozi declined the 500-mile fief of the King of Yue.
Mozi still has too many vagrants. The public merchant said that the King of Yue said that the public merchant said, "Sir, if you can make Mozi go to Yue to teach me, please divide the land of Wu for 500 miles to seal Mozi." The public has promised. So for the sake of the public, I still took fifty cars to see Mozi in Lu. He said, "I said the King of Yue in the way of a master, and the King of Yue said,' If you can make Zi Mozi go abroad and teach me, please divide the land of Wu, with a square of 500 miles, so as to seal the son. ""Mozi said that the public is still more than saying: "Where is the ambition of the son officer for the king? If the Italian king listens to me and uses my way, he will go there, feed on his stomach, depend on his own situation and compare himself with his ministers. Xi can take the national seal as zai! The more you don't listen to me, the more you don't need my way. I'll just go. This is also in China's ear, so why bother! "-excerpt from Mozi? Lu Wen "
Mozi asked Gong Shang to be an official in Yue State. Gong Shang tried to persuade the King of Yue. The king of Yue was very happy and said to the public, "Sir, if Mozi can come to Yue to teach me, I am willing to give Mozi 500 miles where Wu used to be." Gong Shang promised. So he rented fifty cars for Gong Shang and went to Lu to see Mozi. Gong said to Mozi, "I persuaded the King of Yue with the teacher's theory. The King of Yue was very happy and said to me, "If you can let Mozi go to Yue to teach me, I am willing to set aside 500 miles where Wu used to be and seal it to Mozi." Mozi said to Gong, "What do you think of the idea of King Yue? If the King of Yue is willing to listen to me and adopt my theory, then I will go, eat according to my stomach, dress according to my own clothes, and compare myself with the princes, just because there is no fief, and do nothing! Otherwise, Yue Guo won't listen to me and adopt my theory. If I go, it's because I'm selling righteousness and seeking glory. If I want to betray' righteousness' and seek glory, I am in the Central Plains, so why go to Vietnam! "
When you go to Kaminooji, you will be hurt by madness!
Mozi made Guan Qian swim higher than Wei, while Wei Jun made Lu very thick and decided to stay in Qing Dynasty. Gao Shi's three dynasties kept their words, but there were no walkers. When he left, he saw Zi Mo saying, "Wei Jun made me clear because of his generous master. Shi Sanchao will do what he says, but he won't, so he will go. Wei Jun is crazy about stones? " Zi Mozi said, "If you go, you won't hurt your madness! Zhou Gongdan, an ancient man, was not Guan Shu, but resigned from the Sangong Cave in Shang Yang. Everyone called him crazy. Later generations called it virtue and publicized its name, never stopping. What's more, if you don't avoid extinction, you will be honored. When you go there, you will be hurt by madness! " Gao Shizi said, "If the stone is gone, how dare you not say anything?" . In the past, the master said that' there is no way in the world, and the benevolent is not thick'. Today, Wei Jun can't help it, but I covet his position and let me give it to others. Mozi said, calling the bird, "Listen to this! I often hear that there are people in my hometown who are benevolent and enrich the people. People who are loyal to their hometown are also found in Gaoshi. " -Excerpt from Mozi? Tillage column
Mozi sent Guizhou to Weiguo to recommend Gao Shizi as an official. Wang Wei gave Gao Shizi a generous salary and arranged for him to take the title of Qing Dynasty. Gao Shizi appeared in front of Wei Jun three times and tried his best, but Wei Jun didn't accept it. So Gao Shizi left Weiguo and went to Qi. When he met Mozi, he said, "The King of Wei gave me a very generous salary because of his teacher and arranged for me to take your title. I went to Wei Jun three times, and I was sure to finish my opinion, but Wei Jun didn't accept it, so I left Weiguo. I am afraid that Wei Jun will call Gao Shishi crazy? " Mozi said, "What harm does it do me to go after the main road and accuse me of being crazy?" In ancient times, Zhou Gongdan criticized Guan Shu, resigned from the post of Sangong, and went to the East to live a business life. Everyone said he was crazy; But later generations praised his virtue and his good name, and it has not stopped until today. Besides, I heard:' Doing righteousness is not to seek praise to avoid slander.' What harm will it do me if I go away and pursue the avenue and accuse me of being crazy? "Gao Shizi said:" After I left this country, I dare not follow the principle of Tao! Before, the teacher said,' There is no way in the world, and benevolent people don't have high positions and high salaries.' Wei Jun is very helpless now. If I covet his salary and title, I will be greedy. "Mozi was very happy, so he called the bird and said," Let's listen to Gao Shizi! It is often said that people yearn for salary and oppose righteousness; Refuse to pay and yearn for justice. I have seen it from Gao Shizi. "
Fourth, chivalrous loneliness theory: where does righteousness come from, although thousands of people go to me alone!
◎. Mozi is righteous and you are crazy.
Pockmarked Wu called Zi Mozi and said, "Zi is righteous, people are invisible, ghosts are invisible, but he is rich, and Zi is crazy!" Zi Mozi said, "I have two ministers here today. One is engaged when he sees his son, but not married when he doesn't see his son." One of them is also engaged in seeing children, but he is also engaged in not seeing children. Who is more expensive than these two? "Pockmarked Wu said," I value the people who do it when they see me, not the people who see me. "Mozi said," However, being a child is also expensive and crazy. "-excerpt from Mozi? Tillage column
Pockmarked Wu said to Mozi, "You've done your duty. If people don't see you, I'll help you. If ghosts don't see you, I'll bless you, but Mr. Wu is still ok." This is crazy. " Mozi replied: "Now, if you have two retainers here, one of them will do things when he sees you, and he will do things when he sees you;" The other one will do it if he sees you, or if he doesn't. Who do you value? " Ma Zi Wu replied, "I value people who watch me do things, not people who watch me do things." Mozi said, "in this case, you also value crazy people." "
◎ When one plows the field and nine people work, the tiller will be anxious.
When Lu arrived at Mozi, the son of Qi, he passed by an old friend named Mozi and said, "Today is not for righteousness, but for suffering, not for yourself." Zi Mozi said, "Now that there are people here, ten children, a plow and nine people working, the tiller can't help worrying." Why? Then more people eat and fewer people grow. If you don't uphold justice today, you are the one who advised me. Why did you stop me? "-excerpt from Mozi? Guiyi "
Mozi visited his old friend from Lu to Qi. A friend said to Mozi, "There is no righteousness in the world now. Why do you have to do it alone? You still have to stop. " Mozi said, "There is a man here now. He has ten sons, but only one son is farming, and the other nine are idle. This one who is farming can't help but be more nervous. " Why? Because there are more people eating and fewer people farming. There is no meaning in the world now. You should encourage me to do the right thing. Why did you stop me? "
Third, the theory of chivalrous life and death: splashing the blood of a gentleman is the courage of the world.
When you are brave, you can't fight each other well.
Zi Mozi called Luo Hua and said, "I heard that Zi is so brave." Luo Dao: "Of course, I heard that there were warriors in his hometown, so I killed them." Zi Mozi said, "The world wants to be good with it and bad with it. I heard today that there are warriors in my hometown, so I'm going to kill them. This is a good courage and a bad courage. " -Excerpt from Mozi? Tillage column
Mozi said to Luo, "I heard that you like to be brave." Luo Liu said, "that's right. I heard that there is a warrior in a village, and I must kill him. " Mozi said: "There is no one in the world who doesn't want to be attached to the person he loves and alienates the person he hates." Now you hear that there is a warrior in that village, and you must kill him. It's not brave, but you hate it. "
There are five levels of courage, and chivalry must use the courage of a gentleman.
Hu Feizi cultivated Mohism. He who bends a general is brave, but he who smells ink is not brave. He took a dangerous sword to see Hu Feizi. When robbing him, he said, "Mr. Wen is not a soldier, but he will be brave." If he talks, he will die. " Hu Feizi said: "I have five levels of courage. With a long sword in his hand, the husband went to the hazel thin, analyzed the leopard and fought the bear, which was the hunter's courage; Take a long sword, go to deep springs, cut dragons and fight giants. This is the fisherman's courage. It is dangerous to climb high, stand high and look around, the color is unchanged, this Tao Shen Yong; Plagiarism will sting, and if you see it, kill it. This is the courage of five punishments. Yesterday, I took Lu for southern Xinjiang, and I was very worried, so I didn't eat for three days. Hearing this, Cao Gui moved the Qi army. When he met Huan Gong, he said, "I heard that you humiliated me and died, so you can quit your teacher. If you don't quit, I'll let you blow your neck out. " Huan Xiong was terrified and at a loss. Guan Zhong advised him to quit the Union. Husband Cao Gui, a man on foot, a man in soft clothes and shoes, was just angry. In a rage, he robbed the division of Wancheng and saved the country of Qiancheng. This is called the courage of a gentleman, and the brave is also expensive. Yan Ying's husband, angry and fell into Cui Zi's rebellion, is also a gentleman's courage. Five brave is different, where will the childe be? "Qujiang yue, called good. It is to solve the long sword and release the dangerous crown, but please be a disciple. -Hu Feizi's lost article, which can be found in Taiping Magnolia, Yilin and Selected Works.
Nothing is more expensive than benevolence and righteousness: righteousness and courage.
Zi Mozi said, "Nothing is more valuable than righteousness. Today, people say,' What does it matter to give your son a crown and break his hands and feet?' I won't do it. Why? Then crowns and shoes are not as expensive as hands and feet. He also said,' I gave the world to my son, but I killed his body. What does a son do? I won't do it. Why? Then the world is not expensive. It's your duty to kill each other for one sentence. Therefore, everything is more precious than righteousness. "-excerpt from Mozi? Guiyi "
Mozi said, "Nothing is more precious than righteousness. If you say to a person now,' I will give you a hat and shoes, but I will cut off your hands and feet, will you do it?' That man can't do it. Why? Because hats and shoes are not as precious as hands and feet. And he said,' Give you the world, but I want to kill you. "Are you going to do this?" The man can't do it. Why? Because the world is not as precious as itself. Killing each other because of arguing about the authenticity of words is because righteousness is more precious than oneself. Therefore, nothing is more precious than righteousness. "
◎ Be brave in serving the society and take the world as your own responsibility.
Lu people learned from Mozi, his son died in battle, and his father asked Mozi. Zi Mozi said, "I want to be the son of a student. I have achieved success in my studies today and died in the battlefield, but I still want to fight. It is also difficult." What a waste! "-excerpt from Mozi? Lu Wen "
There was a man in Lu who was related to Mozi and asked Mozi to teach his son. When his son died, the father blamed Mozi. Mozi said, "You asked me to educate your children, and now you have learned. You fought bravely and died a fair death, but you were angry. It means that farmers grow crops and want to sell them. When they sell them, they get angry. Isn't this ridiculous! "
◎ Simply dying is not a courageous act.
Meng Shan praised King Lu and said, "In the past, this was a disaster for Bai Gong. If you catch the prince's Lu, you should be careful. You said,' If you were king, you would live; If you are not the king, you will die! Prince Lu said,' How dare you insult me! Kill my relatives, but like me to go to Chu. I won the world and was unjust, but not for myself. Where's Chu "Don't do this. Isn't Wang kind? "Mozi said," difficult is difficult, not benevolent. If the king has no way, why not rule without way? If you regard Bai Gong as unjust, why don't you suffer the king, punish Bai openly and oppose him? Therefore:
Difficult is difficult, but it is not benevolent. "-excerpt from Mozi? Lu Wen "
Meng Shan praised the king and said, "Once upon a time, Bai Gong made an insurrection in Chu, caught the king, hooked his waist with an axe, pointed a straight weapon at his heart, and said to him,' Be the king of Chu, you will live, or you will die. Lu Wangdao: "How can you insult me like this! Killed my relatives, but gave it to Chu to play tricks on me. I won't do anything to gain the world by injustice; Besides a Chu state? "He won't be the king of Chu after all. Is Wang still ruthless? Mozi said, "It is hard enough for you to be unyielding, and you have not yet reached benevolence. If he thinks the king of Chu is fatuous, why doesn't he accept the throne to govern the country? If he thinks Bai Gong is unfair, why not accept the throne, kill Bai Gong and return the throne to Hui Wang? So, it's hard enough, but not to the point of benevolence. "
Original text of Mozi Gongbo
The bus board is the machinery for building ladders in Chu State, which will attack the Song Dynasty.
Hearing this, Mozi set out from Shandong and traveled 10 day 10 night. As for Ying, he saw the loss of the public.
The loser said, "What is your master's life?"
Zi Mozi said, "Those who insult ministers in the north are willing to kill them by borrowing their sons."
Don't say that the public loses.
Zi Mozi said, "Please give me ten gold."
The loser said, "I will never kill anyone!" "
Mozi got up and bowed again, saying, "Go ahead. I learned from the north that I would attack the Song Dynasty. What was the sin of the Song Dynasty? Jing is more than the ground, but not as good as people. It is unwise to kill less and fight for more; Song attack without blame, non-benevolence; Knowing without arguing is not loyalty; It is not strong to defeat the enemy without fighting. Righteousness does not kill less but kills more, which cannot be described as knowing the class. "
Public transport services.
Zi Mozi said, "Why are you so boring?"
The loser said, "No, I am the word king."
Mozi said, "Don't you see me?"
The loser said, "Promise!"
When Zi Mozi saw the king, he said, "There are people here today who give up their selected works, and their neighbors have our privacy and want to steal it; Give up its splendid scenery, neighbors have short brown and want to steal it; Cutting meat, neighbors have chaff, want to steal-is this a person? " The king said, "There must be theft."
Zi Mozi said, "The land of Jing is 5,000 Li, and the land of Song is 500 Li, which is the same as the anthology. Jing has a cloud dream, rhinoceros is full of elk, Jianghan fish is rich in the world, and Song has no pheasant rabbit fish, so it is better to chaff. Jing You, Wen Zi, Tang, and Song have no long wood, but they are beautiful and short brown. I attacked Song with three things, similar to this one. When I see the king, I will hurt his righteousness. "
The king said, "Good! Although the bus section is a ladder for me, I must bring Song. "
So watch the public lose. Mozi untied his belt as the city, took death as the weapon, set up siege machines on the bus board nine times, and separated Mozi nine times; The attack of the losing set was exhausted, and Mozi's defense was more than enough.
Public loss. And he said, "I know it's so far away, so I won't say it."
Zi Mozi also said, "I know that Zi left me because I didn't say anything."
The king of Chu asked him why.
Zi Mozi said, "I lost my intention and wanted to kill the minister;" Kill the minister, Song Mo can keep it and attack it. But I disciple bird slip Li and other three hundred people, have kept the instrument of the mouth of the minister, waiting for Chu Kou in Song Cheng. Even if you kill a minister, you cannot kill him. "
The king of Chu said, "Good! Please don't attack the Song Dynasty. "
Mozi returned to the Song Dynasty. When it rains, it is sheltered from the wind and rain, and the guards are not inside.
Therefore, people don't know the merits of those who rule God. People who struggle for clarity are well known.
Reference translation of Mozi's uncle
The public transport board was made for Chu with the tools of building ladders, and it was used to attack the Song State. When Mozi heard the news, he set out from Shandong and walked for ten days and ten nights. He came to see the loser.
The loser said, "What can I do for you, sir?"
Mozi said: "someone bullied me in the north, and I will kill him with your strength."
The losing game is not happy.
Mozi said, "Please let me give you ten gold."
The loser said, "I am a moral person, and I must not kill people for no reason."
Mozi stood up, bowed twice and said, "Please allow me to say a few words. I heard in the north that you built a ladder to attack the state of Song. What was the crime of Song State? Chu is vast and sparsely populated. It is unwise to kill the people it lacks now and fight for the land it does not lack. Song is innocent and wants to attack it, which cannot be said to be benevolence and righteousness. Knowing this truth, but not arguing, can not be said to be loyal. Arguments that fail to achieve their goals cannot be said to be strong. I said that it is unreasonable to kill a small number of people and it is unreasonable to kill many people. "
The failed bid was persuaded.
Mozi said, "Then, why not stop attacking the Song Dynasty?"
The loser said, "No, because I have already told the King of Chu."
Mozi said, "Why don't you introduce me to the King of Chu?"
The loser said, "All right."
Mozi saw the king of Chu and said, "Now there is a man here who abandoned his gorgeous car and wanted to steal it when he saw his neighbor's broken car." Throw away your gorgeous clothes and want to steal when you see your neighbor's coarse clothes; Throw away your own white rice and fat, and want to steal when you see your neighbor's chaff. What kind of person is this? "
The king of Chu said, "(this man) must be a thief."
Mozi said, "Chu is 5,000 Li in Fiona Fang, and Song is only 5,000 Li in Fiona Fang. It's like a gorgeous car compared with a broken car. There are Yunmengze in Chu, and rhinos, elk and so on are everywhere. There are many fish, turtles and giant salamanders in the Yangtze River and Hanshui River in the world. Songguo Town, as people say, is a place where there are no pheasants, rabbits and carp. It's like comparing white rice fat with chaff. There are big trees in Chu, such as pine, catalpa, mang, nan and Zhang, but there are no big trees in Song. It's like comparing gorgeous clothes with rough clothes. I think the king attacked the state of Song just like this thief. "
The king of Chu said, "Yes! Even so, the public loss set me a ladder, and (I) must call Guo Song. "
So the king of Chu summoned the loser. Mozi undressed for the market and used bamboo pieces as utensils. Buses set siege methods again and again, and Mozi stopped him again and again. The siege equipment of the bus plate has been used up, and Mozi's method of guarding the city is more than enough.
The public loss was bad, but he said, "I know how to deal with you, but I won't say anything."
Mozi also said, "I know what you are going to do to me, but I won't say anything."
The king of Chu asked what was going on.
Mozi said: "the meaning of losing the game is to kill me." Kill me, and the kingdom of Song won't last. You can take it. But 300 people, including my student Bird Slip, have been holding my defense equipment, waiting for the Chu State to attack in the Song Dynasty. Even if you kill me, you can't kill all the people who defend Song. "
The king of Chu said, "All right! I will not attack Song. "
Mozi returned from Chu and passed by Song Dynasty. It was raining. He went to the Green Gate to take shelter from the rain, but the keeper of the Green Gate refused to accept him.
Therefore, he said, "people don't know the credit for his use of magical machines;" But people who argue endlessly in the light know him. "