With these sufficient conditions, you can go it alone. With these conditions, your own training institution is basically successful. If there are no accidents, it should continue to flourish. This is also relative to people who have the ability, connections and sufficient funds. Such talents are suitable for going it alone.
3. For those who have no connections, no funds and are worried that their investment may be unexpected, it is recommended to join a training institution. In this case, there is no big risk, because these institutions are basically mature, but they are bound by others. However, there is another advantage here that you don't have to consider the direction of decision-making, but your income will be reduced accordingly. Of course, everything will be rewarded, cultivated, and of course high.
4. So whether to start your own training institutions or join those training institutions depends on your personal conditions, whether you want to go it alone or join those training institutions. It is better to go it alone if you have the ability, and naturally join those training institutions if you have no conditions, because the risk is lower, the income is more stable, and your future will be more stable. If you go it alone, the future risks are unpredictable, and you may capsize or become one of them.