The Bridgetown Family is a drama that combines romance, scandal and wisdom. It is about eternal friendship, a family looking for direction and the exploration of love beyond everything.
The Bridgetown Family was written by Sean Durrant and playwright Chris Van Dassen. It tells the story that Daphne Bridge (Phoebe Danev), the eldest daughter of the powerful Bridgetown family, made her debut in the highly competitive marriage and love market during the Regency period in London.
Daphne hopes to follow her parents' example and find a real love marriage. Her future seems limitless. But when her brother began to block her potential suitors, the mysterious Ms. Wesoton fabricated a high-level scandal to slander Daphne.
Duke Hastings (Reggie Jean Page) is a charming and rebellious man. He is loyal to being single, but he is still the darling of the mothers of rich girls who have just entered the upper class. Although they both claim that they don't want anything from each other, in an increasingly fierce intellectual battle, they are undeniably attracted to each other while trying to get rid of social expectations.