If you are not afraid of hardship and your self-study ability is ok, take the self-study exam. And save money. Now I want to get two certificates as soon as possible, and apply to adult college first. This diploma is easy to get, usually two to three years. While applying for this, I also applied for an undergraduate course. You don't need a college diploma to register for the self-taught undergraduate course. You can take photos directly to apply. He won't check and certify your college diploma until you complete all the exams and get your undergraduate diploma. The gold content of the entrance examination is not as high as that of the self-taught examination, so your college diploma is directly for the undergraduate diploma, and you can apply for any second-or third-rate university at will. If you are quick enough, you can apply twice a year, with a maximum of four at a time and eight a year. Basically, you can get it in two years, provided that you can study hard and pass all the exams.
I have a classmate who took the self-taught exam when he was in junior college and finished it in two years. After graduating from junior college, we got a junior college diploma together. Some students have only taken the exam once or twice in a few years, and he doesn't read books at all. It depends on how hard you study. I am also a self-taught candidate. If you have any questions in the future, I will be happy to answer them for you. .