It is very common for autistic children to lose their temper, which may be accompanied by biting, scratching or other aggressive behaviors against themselves or others. Although it may be difficult to find all kinds of reasons for losing your temper, if you can consider the reasons for losing your temper, the disposal method can be the most appropriate, in line with the interests of children and the whole family. It is also worthwhile to observe the environment in which children lose their temper and find out if there are any characteristics. Even if it is difficult to keep consistent records at home, you should keep records. When various causes and accumulation factors are known, they should be eliminated or avoided as much as possible. If it is unavoidable, knowing the cause of the problem can at least prepare parents for these harmful reactions in advance. When a child loses his temper or has aggressive behavior, parents should react with calm and restraint, and should ease the situation as soon as possible. If necessary, let the child leave the place where the problem occurs and let him engage in another activity. If children tend to attack their siblings when they are upset, this situation should be prevented and stopped. It is particularly important for all caregivers of children to work together to make plans to deal with difficult behaviors in advance and coordinate their responses, which is especially important for reducing children's physical attacks on others.
The problem and solution of losing temper caused by the interference of repetitive routines have been mentioned and discussed before.
Children with autism often lose their temper because they want something, such as a biscuit or a drink. When dealing with this situation, parents usually give their children what they want, appease them and calm them down. This is understandable, because parents know from painful experience that this kind of screaming may last for hours. Unfortunately, this just illustrates a truth, that is, a basic law of learning theory-reward behavior often increases the frequency of occurrence. In other words, children will find from practice that the quickest way to get anything they need is to scream, shout, stamp their feet and bite people-in short, the bigger the temper, the more effective it is. For children who have no effective spoken language or sign language at all, this behavior is one of their extremely limited choices.
We should pay attention to two aspects to change this behavior. First of all, make sure that when a child loses his temper, he can never give him what he wants. Doing so requires great strength and determination, because this policy should be implemented not only at home, but also in public. If a child loses his temper because he sees what he wants in the street or in the shop, the only solution is to let the child leave the scene as soon as possible, don't make a fuss and try to stay calm. At home, some kind of distraction method may be effective, or holding the child while shaking; If they want, they can also sing to them until their temper calms down; Or ignore their tantrums at all. Experience will prove which method is the most effective. If what a child wants is reasonable, you can give it to him after his temper subsides, but not before his temper subsides.
The second way to reduce temper tantrums is to encourage the development of more appropriate communication methods. Even those children who can understand language and gestures well will lose their temper after their requests are rejected. Many of them react strongly to the word "no". This is also consistent with any child's situation, but it is especially obvious in autistic children. It is a good idea to avoid the direct use of the word "no" and avoid the sharp negative voice. You can calmly use other words to express your refusal, or if appropriate, calmly postpone these requests.
The reason why the child screams may be the fear and pain caused by something, but it is completely harmless. If this situation persists for a long time, the child may be completely out of control, so he will behave like a temper tantrum. If you know the reason, the child can evacuate from the place that causes his fear and get comfort. Hug him gently, talk to him and sing to him until he calms down, which is especially suitable for reducing fear. The causes of fear must be solved, and some suggestions will be provided below.
Some children resist taking care of their own lives, such as washing their hair, brushing their teeth, combing their hair and cutting their hair, in order to cope with losing their temper. The problem may be due to sensitivity to other people's touch, resistance to any interference, or real fear. If the child doesn't like being touched, it is important to touch him as gently as possible and dispel his doubts as much as possible. If you just don't like being disturbed, try to make the steps of life care a part of the routine, and proceed quietly and persistently with a calm attitude, which will usually help the children finally accept it. Distraction, such as playing music, may help. If the child is obviously frightened, you can try the following suggestions on special fears.
Teaching plan for preventing strangers from being safe 1
Activity objectives:
1, know that you can't leave your teacher or parent