A.? Social productive forces and scientific and technological development level
B.? Social population
C.? Social and cultural traditions
D.? Social, political and economic systems
Answer analysis
D analysis: the political and economic system determines the educational leadership, the political and economic system determines the right to education, and the political and economic system restricts the right to education.
The nature of educational purpose, the content of ideological and moral education and the political and economic system determine the educational system. The development level of productive forces determines the scale and speed of education development, culture affects the value orientation of education, and population affects the scale, structure and quality of education.
1. It is the political and economic system that determines the leadership of education. The relationship between political and economic system and education is mutually restrictive and influential.
2. The political and economic system determines the dominant position of education. In human society, whoever grasps the ownership of the means of production and the state power can control the production of spiritual products and school education.
3. Political and economic systems determine the right to education. What kind of education system a country establishes, who receives what kind of education and how to determine the criteria for entering different education series are basically determined by the political and economic system.
Since ancient times, the development and consolidation of any economic system depends on people, and the main way to train talents is through school education. That is, according to the requirements of the country, school education cultivates highly educated, high-level and high-quality talents needed by the political and economic system.