Affect the development of the penis: if the male foreskin is too long, this will lead to the penis head can not be exposed, and the penis head is tightly wrapped by the foreskin to form the foreskin. This will directly lead to the development of penis, make the penis smaller when the man matures, and affect the quality of sexual life.
Affect the wife's health: men will also carry germs because of the scale formed by the foreskin, which will easily lead to various gynecological diseases of the woman.
Can cause inflammation in men: the foreskin is rich in sebaceous glands and usually secretes a lot of sebum. If the foreskin is too long and cannot be discharged in time, it is easy to form scale in the sediment or other secretions in the urine, which in turn breeds a large number of bacteria, causing men to suffer from reproductive diseases such as dermatitis and balanitis.
Affect men's mental health: If men's foreskin is serious, it will seriously affect men's mental health and cause psychological harm to men such as depression, anxiety and dryness. In the long run, it will not only hurt men's psychology, but also bring serious harm to men's health.
Damage to renal function: the foreskin is too long, which will further damage renal function. The phenomenon of urethral orifice or anterior urethral stricture often appears in the foreskin, which will make it difficult for men to urinate. If this phenomenon exists in men for a long time, then renal function will be damaged.