In my teacher's words, there are many excellent people, and those who want to squeeze you out are squeezed out. To tell you the truth, go to Yin Xi to find a teacher first. If there is no teacher to take the exam, you will have to wait for luck. What's more, is it difficult to test the sound table well? You have to work hard all the time, plus the ability of the teacher, or your family is rich, then why are you all on it? I finished my professional courses, made up my culture, and brought my English. It took only three months for a girl to learn keyboard at home, but she still got a high score in the exam, but later she didn't know what happened, and she didn't know if she had a culture class.
In short, man proposes, God disposes. Since you are in this business, you must know what it's like here. You should study it with your family. After all, getting into college is a major event in your life, okay?