1, Mr. Wang shouldn't specialize in teaching, his responsibility is to teach people to be human; A student should not specialize in reading; His duty is to learn the way of life.
In the hands of teachers, the fate of teenagers is the fate of the nation and mankind.
3. Improve personal morality and build a "Great Wall of Personality". From the perfection of private morality to the expansion of the utility of public morality, seeking benefits for the collective. ...
4. If farmers don't pay attention to teachers, they will go bankrupt; If the work is not heavy for the teacher, the work will be rough; If people don't pay attention to their teachers, the country will not be rich and strong; Without paying attention to teachers, the world can't be peaceful.
5. The so-called sound personality must include: private morality is the foundation of the body, and public morality is the foundation of serving the society and the country; Knowledge and skills necessary for life; A strong and lively body; A feeling of elegance and happiness.
6. Working with hands and brain is the beginning of creative education; Both hands and brain are the purpose of creative education.
7. The main purpose of rural teacher training is to cultivate farmers' skills, scientific minds and teachers who transform social spirit.
8. Education is the foundation of a country.
9. The common problem of education in China is that people who teach their brains do not use their hands, so they can't do anything. The countermeasure of China's educational revolution is the alliance of hands and brains, and as a result, the strength of hands and brains can be incredible.
10, first, be honest; Second, modesty and courtesy; Third, we must have a sense of discipline; Fourth, use both hands and brains; 5. Be clean and tidy; Sixth, be correct and agile; Seventh, we must strive for progress; Eight, do things responsibly; Nine, help others; Ten, be brave for the public; Eleven, be tough and calm; Twelve, we must finish what we started.