Cheng Kao
Passing the exam is the college entrance examination for adults. If the test results meet the requirements of the undergraduate course of RTVU in that year, you can be admitted. The advantage is that the final exam is relatively simple and easy to graduate, but the test questions are more difficult, so it is difficult to get in and out.
Correspondence is actually the present open education, and the entrance examination is exempted, but the final examination is more strict, and it is easier to get in than to get out.
Radio and TV university undergraduate course
The undergraduate course of RTVU is aimed at students at the starting point of high school.
social approval
As long as it is not an ordinary college entrance examination, everything else is the same, and social recognition is equally low. To put it bluntly, it is a mixed diploma. If professionals are really needed, there are many undergraduates in ordinary colleges and universities.