The restrictive effect of productive forces on education;
(1) The development of productive forces provides the basic conditions for the development of education.
(2) The development of productive forces restricts the purpose of education.
(3) The development of productive forces restricts the choice of educational and teaching contents.
(4) The development of productive forces affects the reform of teaching methods, teaching means and teaching organization forms.
(5) The development of productive forces determines the scale and speed of education development.
The restrictive effect of the development level of productive forces on education is reflected in:
(1) The development of productive forces provides the basic conditions for the development of education. The development level of productive forces is the material basis of educational development and provides material guarantee for educational development.
(2) The development of productive forces restricts the purpose of education. In different historical periods, due to different levels of productivity development, the purpose of education is also different.
(3) The development of productive forces restricts the choice of educational and teaching contents. With the continuous development of productive forces, the contents and means of education and teaching are constantly improving to adapt to and promote the development of productive forces.
(4) The development of productive forces affects the reform of teaching methods, teaching means and teaching organization forms.
(5) The development of productive forces determines the scale and speed of education development. The scale and speed of any social education development depend on two conditions: first, the material foundation that the production of material materials can provide for the development of education; On the other hand, it is the demand for education from the development of productive forces.
In a narrow sense, productivity refers to regenerative productivity, that is, the ability of human beings to create new wealth. Horizontally, productivity is divided into individual productivity, enterprise productivity and social productivity; Vertically, productivity is divided into short-term productivity and long-term productivity; From the level, productivity is divided into material productivity and spiritual productivity.
Productivity is the function of the production system. The elements that make up the productivity system include laborers, labor tools, labor objects and social and cultural system environment. The structure of the productivity system is the relationship among the elements that make up the productivity system. If the structure of productivity system is symmetrical, productivity will develop rapidly; If the structure of productivity system is asymmetric, the development speed of productivity will be slow.
The symmetry of productivity system structure determines the development speed of productivity, so the development of productivity is the result of the interaction between subject and object and the regeneration of resources, and it is the overall function of social system. The development of productive forces is an intermediate link in the transition from growth to development.
The development level of productive forces is the result of the aggregation and matching of the system composed of productive factors and its political, economic, social, cultural and ecological environment.
Engels believes that productivity is the ability to transform nature formed by the combination of people with working ability and means of production. Australopithecus transformed labor into human productivity through labor, which is a sign of the formation of productivity and the beginning of history. Therefore, productivity is the ability of people to actually carry out production activities, as well as the ability of labor output, which is the productivity of specific labor.
The expression of productivity is the existence of main behaviors in production and the results of these behaviors, that is, the products of labor. According to the nature of the subject, productivity can be divided into natural productivity and social productivity.
In scientific research activities, the research on productivity is divided into two parts. First, technology research the material content of production, grasp the material movement of the material world, as well as people's own physiological movement and its practice. These are natural disciplines based on the practical science of productive forces. The second is the theoretical science of productive forces.
The latter studies the movement mode and structure of productive forces. The content of this book is the result of the intersection of geography, culturology, archaeology and other disciplines, so it is not only a natural science, but also includes some basic fields of social science.
The process of education starts from a person's birth and lasts for a lifetime, bringing lasting and profound changes to people. Some people even think that education can start earlier. Some parents influence the growing fetus in the uterus through external words and music, and carry out prenatal education, hoping to give their children a positive and healthy development.