In this way, teachers can find that the neutrality of education does not exist in educational practice through their usual awareness of criticism and self-criticism, self-evaluation and the awareness and ability to ask questions, so as to clearly identify what they agree with, oppose, approve of and oppose in the school teaching process.
Teachers have discovered and put forward these problems in their own educational practice, and at the same time, they have also discovered what freire called "the political nature of education".
Non-neutrality of education
Bourdieu believes that anyone who really wants to know what the school has done and judge who has succeeded and failed in the school should not regard culture as neutral, nor should he think that the school will definitely contribute to social progress. On the contrary, he should realize that the culture of school preservation and expectation contributes to the inequality outside these educational institutions, which actually reflects the non-neutrality of education.
Spencer put forward "what knowledge is the most valuable", which is a question about what should be taught, but it is not only an educational issue, but also a political and ideological issue in essence. Later, Michael W. Apple put forward "whose knowledge is the most valuable", which opened up a new analytical perspective for pedagogy.
"Whose knowledge is the most valuable" reflects the question of whose interests education represents. Their educational thoughts link education with politics, and analyze curriculum and school education from the perspective of politics.