The power to lead by example
Children's imitation ability is super strong, so we should start from ourselves and become their little role models for environmental protection. Every time we throw garbage, we do it accurately, so that children will naturally imitate and form good habits.
Give children environmental protection knowledge.
Explore the world of environmental protection with children and let them know the harm of garbage to nature. By watching documentaries or reading books, lead children to understand the importance of garbage sorting, and even take them to visit garbage treatment plants to witness the journey of garbage with their own eyes.
Family rules and reward mechanism
Make family rules with children, and make it clear that littering is not allowed. Establish a simple reward mechanism and give small encouragement when children do it, such as praise or small gifts; If you break the rules, there will be a small punishment, such as a short time limit for toys.
Convenient trash can
Set up a convenient trash can for children in areas with frequent activities to ensure that children can throw it out accurately. The location of the trash can should also be conspicuous so that children can notice it at any time.
Cultivate children's sense of responsibility
Teach children that their actions will have an impact on the environment and others. Participating in household activities such as taking out the garbage and tidying the room can cultivate children's sense of responsibility and independence.