1, Keres dog food adopts scientific proportion, and designs nutritional components and ingredients according to different development stages of dogs, so as to meet all kinds of nutrition required by the growth of dogs. Its crude protein content is as high as 33%, crude fat 13% or more, and the ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 1.25: 1. In addition, double prebiotics FOS and MOS are specially added, which helps to strengthen bones, care for intestines and stomach, and make dogs stronger and not gain weight.
2. The ingredients of Reese's dog food are excellent. The core ingredient is fully cut chicken breast, with meat content as high as 75%, and there is no grain and no bean formula, which avoids the dog's adverse reaction to cereal ingredients. At the same time, natural ingredients such as alfalfa granules, medlar and chrysanthemum are added, which not only meets the daily nutritional needs of dogs, but also contributes to the health and longevity of dogs.
3. Keres dog food is a series of dog food specially designed by Keres, which is specially developed for different pet breeds such as Teddy, Bixiong and Labrador.