Interest in learning is the key
Interest in learning is the most important thing. When reviewing, we feel fresh about the learning materials we have just contacted. We should make good use of this mentality, study the preparation materials comprehensively, circle the main points, check the materials and take notes. All-round learning is very interesting, and candidates can basically master the content of the exam. Interest is the greatest motivation for learning.
In-depth study, explore the key points.
When we have a basic understanding of what we have learned, we should start to study in depth, dig out the key points of what we have learned according to the syllabus, and finally memorize and digest the key points in the book repeatedly. Because the self-taught test questions come from the question bank, they are often tested repeatedly. As long as these problems are kept in mind, the pass rate will be greatly improved.
Quantify test questions, practice makes perfect
When reviewing, you don't just read books and take notes. You know we are self-taught candidates! When reading and reviewing, you should do a lot of papers and questions, so that you can find your own shortcomings and make key breakthroughs. Review according to the outline, remember and master the key points, and you can get good grades.
By analogy, knowledge has commonness.
When we continue to study and do problems, we should learn to sum up, correct mistakes immediately when we find them, find the commonness of these learned knowledge, and learn to draw inferences from others.