1. Provide comprehensive educational opportunities.
The family's educational obligation is to provide children with comprehensive educational opportunities, including ensuring that children receive basic compulsory education and cultivating their learning ability. Families should pay attention to children's learning needs, provide appropriate learning materials and educational resources, and create conditions for children to participate in school education and other learning opportunities.
2. Cultivate good values and morality.
The educational responsibility of the family also lies in cultivating children's good values and morality. Parents should set a good example for their children and teach them the importance of morality, morality and social responsibility through education and dialogue in daily life. Families should encourage their children to take the initiative to participate in social activities and cultivate their social awareness and sense of civic responsibility.
3. Provide support and guidance
Families also have the responsibility to provide support and guidance for their children and help them achieve personal growth and learning development. This includes establishing good communication and relationships with children, caring about their needs and problems, and providing emotional support and encouragement. Parents should understand their children's interests and talents and provide guidance and support for their children to choose appropriate learning and development methods.
4. Establish a positive family education environment
The obligation of family education also includes creating a positive family education environment. This includes establishing family values and rules and encouraging mutual respect, understanding and support among family members. The family should provide a safe and stable living environment, give children enough love and attention, and cultivate cooperation, sharing and team spirit in the family.
5. Coordinate cooperation with schools
Parents also have the responsibility to establish a good cooperative relationship with the school and jointly pay attention to and support their children's learning and development. Families should actively participate in school parent-teacher conferences, educational activities and homework guidance, keep in touch with teachers, and keep abreast of children's performance and needs at school. The cooperation between parents and schools helps to jointly promote children's educational development.
Family's educational obligations mainly include providing comprehensive educational opportunities, cultivating good values and morals, providing support and guidance, and establishing a positive family education environment. Family should play an active role in children's learning and growth, and cooperate with schools to lay the foundation for children's all-round development and healthy growth.