1? The financial foundation is not solid enough.
Under the traditional exam-oriented education, our study has a very obvious feature, that is, the knowledge we have learned is forgotten after the exam, and few people can remember this knowledge for a long time, which hinders the CFA Level 2 review to some extent, because the Level 2 exam not only has many things, but more importantly, it has excavated a lot vertically. If you want to learn more advanced things, it is essential to accumulate the necessary foundation in the early stage, but the foundation is precisely where many students are very weak, and many students take the Grade 2 exam. Having said so much, it's not a serious matter. Students can catch up quickly as long as they spend more time reviewing, so don't worry too much.
2? If you are not deeply sure about what you have learned, you will not use it.
In the view of Shanghai Jincheng Education, many candidates continue the practice of Level 1 when preparing for CFA Level 2, thinking that memorizing more is enough, but of course it is not enough. As mentioned above, the level 2 exam is more in-depth, although the knowledge points are still those, but it can not be solved by simple memory. It depends on your understanding and application ability, and see if you can connect a lot of small knowledge points in series and correct the examination questions. In addition, when reviewing, candidates should pay more attention to those new test sites, and combine after-school exercises with real questions to find out what problems they have in the review, and check for leaks.
Candidates are advised to attend CFA training class of Jincheng Education, so that students can better understand and master knowledge with the help of professional teachers and improve review efficiency.
3? Didn't do enough exercise.
Some students prefer reading to doing problems. They think they can answer all the questions in the examination room by turning over the textbooks ten times and eight times. This is somewhat unrealistic. To some extent, doing problems is more important than reading, especially for people with good foundation. Because the exam is about our application of knowledge points, it is practical and needs constant practice to master; And doing more questions at ordinary times can help you master the rules and key points of the questions, which is very helpful for your next round of review; Doing exercises can also practice the sense of touch, so as to prevent students from being in a hurry when they arrive at the examination room.
4? There is no good plan for learning progress.
The preparation time should not be too long or too short. Students should arrange their study plans according to their actual situation, and it is very important to implement the plans carefully, instead of fishing for three days and drying the nets for two days. The ultimate success often lies in accumulating over time.
Finally, I hope that candidates can find out their problems in review through the above analysis and arrange better study plans for themselves. Shanghai Jincheng Education hopes that all candidates can pass CFA Level 2 at one time!