On behalf of:
The representative figures of individual standard are Mencius, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, wrobel, Maritain, hutchins, Naylor, Maslow and Sartre.
The representatives of social standard are Xunzi, Plato, Herbart, Durkheim, Natop, Kerschensteiner, Comte and Bale.
From the viewpoint of individual standard, the purpose of education should start from the nature of the educated and give full play to the personality of the educated. Respect people's value and personality, personal value is higher than social value.
The view of social standard holds that the purpose of education should be based on social needs, and human development is only to obey society, and social value is higher than personal value.
Memory formula:
The personal standard memory formula is that Monroe admires Maslow.
The memory formula of social standard is the death of Batutu.
Personal essays on behalf of people's thoughts;
Rousseau believes that life is beautiful, but when it involves people, it becomes worse. Therefore, children's education should stay away from corrupt upper-class life and evil cities, and advocate bringing children to the simple environment of rural nature to protect them from the bad influence of society and protect their kind nature in education.
Pestalozzi believes that the purpose of education is to develop all human natural forces and talents in an all-round and harmonious way, so that people's abilities can progress naturally and develop in a balanced way.
Eternal hutchins said: "The function of a citizen or a nation may be different in different societies, but as a person's function, it is the same in every era and every society. The purpose of the education system is to improve people's quality. "
Maritain said: "The main purpose of education, in the broadest sense, is to shape people, or more precisely, to help children become fully formed and fully developed people. Other purposes, such as inheriting the cultural heritage of a specific civilized region, preparing for participating in social life and becoming a good citizen, fulfilling the specific functions of the whole society, fulfilling family responsibilities and making a living, are all inferences. They are important, but they belong to the second purpose. "