Jingtai Primary School in Chongwen District is a public full-time (boarding school for some students) school. The school was born in June 1958 with a history of 48 years. The school covers an area of 5348 square meters, and there are 27 classes, with nearly 1.300 students and more than 100 staff. Senior primary school teachers account for 94% of the total number of front-line teachers, and all front-line teachers have college education or above.
The school invested in the construction of students' computer classrooms, multimedia music classrooms, multimedia TV teaching systems, red scarf TV stations and air-conditioned classrooms, and transformed students' drinking facilities. At present, nearly one million yuan has been invested to install multimedia equipment for each classroom and connect the classroom to the Internet.
Over the years, under the leadership of President Niu Shuming, the school has followed the school-running philosophy of "all for the development of students" and strived to practice the good school spirit of loving posts and students, being a model, teaching and educating people. Chen Peirong, his successor after retirement, also continued this educational policy well.
School moral education focuses on the construction of campus culture, the cultivation of students' civilized habits, and the psychological health education to promote the healthy and harmonious development of students; Teaching work is centered on teaching quality and effective teaching management is implemented. Comprehensively improve the quality of education.