1 sacrifice to heaven. Worship to heaven, which began in the Zhou Dynasty, is also called suburban worship. On the day of winter solstice, it was held in the southern suburbs of the capital. The ancients first paid attention to the worship of entities, and the worship of heaven was also reflected in the worship of the sun, the moon and the stars. All these specific worship, after reaching a certain number, are abstracted as worship of heaven. The worship of heaven in Zhou Dynasty developed from the worship of "emperor" in Yin Dynasty. The supreme ruler is the son of heaven, and offering sacrifices to heaven serves the supreme ruler. Therefore, the prevalence of worship of heaven did not come to an end until the Qing Dynasty.
2 worship the ground. The solstice in summer is the day of offering sacrifices to the earth, and the etiquette is roughly the same as that of offering sacrifices to heaven. In the Han Dynasty, the Earth God was called Mother, and she was the goddess who blessed mankind, also known as the country God. The earliest place of sacrifice was blood sacrifice. After the Han Dynasty, Feng Shui belief prevailed. The rituals of offering sacrifices to the land include offering sacrifices to mountains and rivers, offering sacrifices to the land gods, the valley gods and the country.
(3) ancestral hall. The ancestral temple system is the product of ancestor worship. Ancestral temple is a place where people set up for the deceased before his death. The ancestral temple system consists of seven temples for emperors, five temples for princes, three temples for doctors and one temple for scholars. Temples are not allowed in Shu Ren. The ancestral temple, the emperor and the vassal are located on the left side of the door, and the doctor sleeps on the left and right sides of the temple. The common people set the ancestral hall next to the kitchen hall of the dormitory. When offering sacrifices, choose a corpse. Bodies are usually served by grandchildren. The god in the temple is a wooden cuboid, which is only placed when offering sacrifices. Sacrifices cannot be called by their first names. There are nine worships when offering sacrifices: kowtowing, nodding, empty bow, vibration, auspicious worship, fierce worship, strange worship, praise worship and su worship. The ancestral hall also offered sacrifices to the first generation of emperors. The Book of Rites Quli stipulates that all the ancestors who made contributions to the people, such as Yao, Shun, Yu, Huangdi, King Wen, should make sacrifices. Since the Han Dynasty, people began to build cemeteries and shrines to offer sacrifices to the previous emperors. On the other hand, Ming Taizu established an imperial temple in Kyoto. During the Jiajing period, the Emperor Temple was built in Fuchengmen, Beijing, to worship the first king and the 36th emperor.
(4) offering sacrifices to sages. After the Han and Wei Dynasties, the Duke of Zhou was a saint and Confucius was a teacher. In the Tang Dynasty, Confucius was the sage and Yan Hui was the teacher. After the Tang and Song Dynasties, the ceremony of "releasing wine" has always been a ritual of learning and a ritual of offering sacrifices to Confucius. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, wine-releasing ceremonies were held twice a year in the spring and autumn, and Confucius and Yan temples were also set up in county schools all over the country. In the Ming Dynasty, Confucius was called "the most holy teacher". In the Qing Dynasty, there was a Confucius Temple in Shengjing (Shenyang, Liaoning). After Beijing is its capital, it is the capital of the country.
Zijian is imperial academy, and a Confucian Temple is established. Confucius called it "the master of Dacheng Shengxuan". Qufu's temple system, sacrificial vessels, musical instruments and etiquette are all based on Beijing imperial academy. Rural drinking ceremony is the product of offering sacrifices to sages.
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