A class of credits
A class of credits includes continuing medical education projects, national continuing medical education projects, participation in academic lectures, academic conferences, symposiums, etc.
Certification projects above the provincial level
Participate in projects approved by the continuing medical education committees of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government or organized by their authorized units within one month, as well as projects organized by colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Health and the Chinese Medical Association and specially filed with the continuing medical education Committee of the Ministry of Health.
National seminar
Participate in seminars, such as the annual meeting of the Anti-aging Branch of the National Health Industry Enterprise Management Association held on February 3-4, 2002, and get 10 points for Class I credits.
Second class credits
The second category of credits includes self-study, publishing papers, scientific research projects and academic activities organized by the unit. It is recommended to give priority to obtaining first-class credits, which can be used as second-class credits.