Website of Qingdao Health and Wellness Committee:
Contact information of Qingdao Municipal Health and Wellness Committee
Office Address: Floor 2 1, No.7 Minjiang Road, Qingdao
Office hours: 9: 00 a.m.-12: 00 a.m. and 0: 30-5: 30 p.m. (except statutory holidays).
Tel: 0532-859 125 17 Fax: 0532-859 125 15.
E-mail: (this e-mail does not accept applications).
Qingdao Health and Wellness Committee
Website of Qingdao Health and Wellness Committee:
Contact information of Qingdao Municipal Health and Wellness Committee
Office Address: Floor 2 1, No.7 Minjiang Road, Qingdao
Office hours: 9: 00 a.m.-12: 00 a.m. and 0: 30-5: 30 p.m. (except statutory holidays).
Tel: 0532-859 125 17 Fax: 0532-859 125 15.
E-mail: (this e-mail does not accept applications).
Qingdao Health and Wellness Committee
Website of Qingdao Health and Wellness Committee:
Contact information of Qingdao Municipal Health and Wellness Committee
Office Address: Floor 2 1, No.7 Minjiang Road, Qingdao
Office hours: 9: 00 a.m.-12: 00 a.m. and 0: 30-5: 30 p.m. (except statutory holidays).
Tel: 0532-859 125 17 Fax: 0532-859 125 15.
E-mail: (this e-mail does not accept applications).