In the process of preparing for the exam, we should pay attention to improving our comprehensive quality. Besides professional knowledge, we should also pay attention to the study of current affairs, politics and English. You can test your learning results through mock exams and real questions over the years.
In addition, you can also participate in some educational practice activities, such as teaching and volunteering, to improve your practical ability and understanding of education. At the same time, we should pay attention to cultivating our own soft power such as communication ability, teamwork ability and leadership ability.
At the stage of applying for graduate students, you should carefully prepare personal statements, letters of recommendation and other materials to show your enthusiasm and potential for pedagogy. You can consult an experienced teacher or elder to understand the application process and matters needing attention.
In a word, it takes a lot of efforts for computer majors to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but as long as you keep studying and practicing, I believe you will succeed in achieving your goal.