United States of America: Government expenditure on education: total: percentage of GDP12-01-2014 is 4.989%, which is an increase compared with 4.944% of 12-0 13. The United States and the United States: government education expenditure: total: the percentage of GDP is updated every year, and the average is 5.12-0 12-0 14. The historical highest value of this data appears at12-01-2010, accounting for 5.420%, and the historical lowest value appears at12-01-2013, accounting for 4.920%. Data provided by CEIC, USA, USA: government education expenditure: total amount: percentage of GDP, updated regularly. The data comes from the World Bank, and it is classified into the United States in the global database-tableus.worldbank.wdi: education statistics.
Country/region value
United States: government expenditure on education: total: percentage of GDP (%) 4.99 20 14.