The improvement of gross enrollment rate of higher education
1999, the Ministry of Education issued the Action Plan for Revitalizing Education Facing 2 1 century. It is planned that the gross enrollment rate of higher education will reach 15% by 20 10. The implementation of the university enrollment expansion policy has enabled more students to receive higher education, and the gross enrollment rate of higher education has increased significantly.
Control the proportion of enrollment expansion
Although the implementation of the university enrollment expansion policy has significantly increased the gross enrollment rate of higher education, the Ministry of Education has gradually controlled the enrollment expansion ratio to ensure the quality and sustainable development of higher education.
The impact of the global financial crisis
In 2009, the global financial crisis broke out, which had a far-reaching impact on the global economy. In this context, the Ministry of Education has stepped up its efforts to adjust the enrollment ratio of graduate students to adapt to the changes in the economic situation.