If you want to apply for a refund, you need to know the refund policy of Chinese public education first. Generally speaking, the refund policy of Chinese public education is divided into two situations: first, when the course you bought has not started, you can directly apply for a full refund; Second, when you have attended the course, but feel dissatisfied or have special circumstances, you can handle it according to the refund regulations of Chinese public education.
Before applying for a refund, I suggest you log in to official website of Zhonggong Education and enter the "My Zhonggong" page to check your course status and specific refund regulations. After understanding the relevant policies, you can choose the refund method that suits you.
If you encounter refund problems or have any dissatisfaction, you can contact the Chinese public education staff through customer service hotline, online customer service, WeChat service number and other channels, describe the reasons and circumstances of the refund in detail, and provide relevant certification materials for the staff to handle.