Confucius' audience, Jingci City, for Confucius' support. Confucius refused to accept this and went back to his residence. He said to his disciples, "I only heard that a gentleman wants to reward him with credit."
Now I'm lobbying Gong Jing, but Gong Jing didn't follow my advice, but gave me Xu Qiuyi. He doesn't know me very well. The apprentice drove away to say goodbye to Gong Jing.
Confucius is a civilian, but his official position is only Lu. Wancheng's character is hard to compare with him, and Wang's honor is not as famous as him. Confucius' attitude towards trade-offs is meticulous! Jin and Wu are about to go to war. Jin has fewer troops and Wu has more. General Jing Zizi said, "If we fight Wu, we will definitely lose.
In this way, Jing's army was scattered and the monarch's reputation was defiled. The territory of Jing fell, and loyal ministers could not bear it. "
He withdrew his troops without confessing to King Jing. The steamed stuffed bun came out of the city with the army and sent someone to convey his request to King Jing, saying, "Please put me to death."
King Jing said, "It's good for the general to retreat. Today is really good for the country. Why does the general also demand the death penalty? " Yu Bao said: "A general who chickened out will not be punished. Therefore, those who lead the army for the king in the future should follow my example and chickened out in the name of being unfavorable to the country.
If so, Jing will eventually be weak in the world. "So drew his sword to commit suicide.
King Jing said, "Allow me to fulfill the general's righteousness." So he gave the capsule a coffin made of paulownia with an axe on it.
The head of a country is worried about the existence of the country and doesn't know why, and the country dies and doesn't know why, which is why the crisis of survival has appeared many times. Jing Wei was a country for forty-two years. Are there any officials like Zizi during this period? The capsule of moral integrity is not only to inspire a generation of officials.
When I was there, there was a scholar named. He was honest and selfless, and Wang Zhao appointed him as a political court judge.
Someone killed someone. Shizhu chased the murderer and learned that the murderer was his father. He turned back, stood in the courtyard and said, "The murderer is my father. I can't bear to punish my father; It is not allowed to shield criminals privately and abandon the national law in vain.
Abandoning the national law should be punished, which is a principle that both the people and officials should abide by. "Then fell on the axe rice, please Wang Zhao ordered to be put to death.
Zhao Haoqi said, "How can I punish you if you chase the prisoner and don't catch him?" ? You'd better do your duty. Zhu Shi refused, saying, "If you don't love your parents, you can't be called a dutiful son.
Serving the monarch and bending the law cannot be called a loyal minister. You pardoned me for the mercy of the monarch.
It is the character of a person and a minister not to abolish the national law. "Zhu Shi never left the axe. He died in front of Wang Zhao Ting.
Those who break the law will be put to death. Father broke the law, but he couldn't stand being caught. The monarch forgave the sin, but he didn't put up with it. As a minister, Shizhu can be regarded as both a loyal minister and a dutiful son.
2. Confucius saw Qi Jinggong, and Gong Jing sent him to Xu Qiu for support, but Confucius didn't accept it. These are three different articles:
1 When Confucius visited Qi Jinggong, Duke Jing of Jin gave it to Xu Qiuyi as a place to support Confucius. Confucius refused to accept this and went back to his residence. He said to his disciples, "I only heard that a gentleman wants to reward him with credit." Now I'm lobbying, but I didn't follow my advice, but gave it to me. He doesn't know me very well. "So he said goodbye to Gong Jing and left.
Ceng Zi was ploughing the land in shabby clothes. The monarch of Lu sent someone to give him a big piece of land and said, "Buy you some clothes." . Ceng Zi is ungrateful. He is determined not to accept it. I can't help it. The king sent someone back. The king asked him to send it again, but Ceng Zi didn't accept it. He ran back and forth many times, but Ceng Zi insisted on not accepting it. The messenger said, sir, you didn't ask others for it, but others gave it to you. Why don't you accept it? Ceng Zi said, I heard that people who accept gifts from others will be afraid of offending the giver; People who give things to others will show arrogance to those who receive them. Then, even if the monarch gave me a fief and didn't show any arrogance to me, can I not be afraid to offend him? After hearing this, Confucius said that Zeng Shen's words were enough to preserve his integrity.
Zisi lives in Weiguo, and life is very difficult. Wearing a thin nightgown, I only ate nine meals in half a month. When Tian Zifang heard about it, he sent someone to send Zisi white fox fur. I was afraid that he wouldn't accept it, so I asked the sender, "I lent it to someone else and forgot to take it back;" What I gave to others is what I don't want. " Zisi refused to accept it. Zifang said, "I have what you don't have. Why don't you accept it?" Zisi said, "I heard that you might as well just throw things into the ravine. Although I am poor, I can't bear to turn myself into a ravine, so I don't deserve it. "
3. Confucius said: "Jun Jun, minister, father, son." Confucius said, "Politics means saving money." It means to save money instead of extravagance. Qi Jinggong asked Confucius how to govern the country. Confucius said, "A monarch should be like a monarch, a minister should be like a minister, a father should be like a father, and a son should be like a son. You are not like a gentleman, a minister is not like a minister, a father is not like a father, and a son is not like a son. How can I eat even if there is food! " Another day, Qi Jinggong asked Confucius about politics, and Confucius said, "Politics lies in saving property." Gong Jing was very happy and prepared to give the land of Nishi to Confucius. Yan Ying suggested: "These Confucians are eloquent and cannot be standardized by degrees; Arrogant and self-righteous, they cannot be appointed to educate the people; It is not a custom to advocate funeral to pay homage to the dead and spend money and property to bury the dead. Lobbying for loans everywhere can't govern the country like this. Due to the death of the sages of the Zhou Dynasty, the royal family declined and the rites and music were not complete for a long time. Now Confucius is well-dressed, so complicated that he has to stipulate the etiquette of respect and inferiority, and raise his hand and cast his foot. I can't learn it all through the ages, and I can't learn his rites and music from childhood to old age. The monarch intends to use this set to transform the customs of Qi. I'm afraid this is not a good way to guide the king. " From then on, although Qi Jinggong received Confucius respectfully, he stopped asking about the ceremony. One day, Confucius was detained and said, "I can't treat you according to the specifications of Qing Qing written by Ji." So he received Confucius in Lu with a specification between Ji and Meng. Dr. Qi wanted to murder Confucius, and Confucius heard about it. Qi Jinggong said, "I am too old to use you."