Many famous universities work closely together.
Jinan University of Economics cooperates closely with many well-known universities such as Qingdao University of Science and Technology and Qufu Normal University. We provide you with all-round preparation support, so that you can prepare for the exam better.
Abundant tutoring materials
We provide you with a wealth of counseling materials, so that you can better prepare for the exam. These textbooks cover the key and difficult points of each subject, so that you can better master the examination content.
An experienced teacher
Our experienced teachers can provide you with professional counseling services. No matter what problems you encounter, they can provide you with timely help.
The admission rate was as high as 90% in previous years.
The admission rate of our remedial classes in previous years was as high as 90%, which fully explained our teaching quality and counseling effect. You can choose us with confidence and we won't let you down.
Online video tutoring
We provide online video tutoring for you to study anytime, anywhere. This way of learning is not only convenient, but also very effective.
Exclusive inside information and real questions
Sign up now, and you will have a chance to get our exclusive internal information and real questions. These materials and real questions are carefully prepared by us, which can help you prepare for the exam better.
Multiple addresses for convenient registration nearby.
We have multiple addresses, which is convenient for you to register nearby. The address is as follows: 1 No.6 Nanxinzhuang Street, Huaiyin District, Jinan City (adjacent to Nanxinzhuang Primary School in the east); 2. No.67, Jinger Road, Shizhong District, Jinan City (west of the municipal court); 3. Zhangqiu Sports Center (Baimaiquan East) 1 Building Adult Education Department.