(Calculated by 30 credits per year, 10 course and 2 semesters, including medical insurance and tuition and fees for international students, excluding living expenses)
undergraduate courses
Food health, nutrition, environmental science, college of arts, college of arts and sciences, college of education, college of music and art, college of nursing? : $ 18, 100-2 1400 a year.
Biological resource engineering (MacDonald campus);
$37,000 a year
Business school:
42,000 dollars a year
School of Engineering (main campus, excluding biological resource engineering):
$37,000 a year (engineering majors need to take about 35 credits a year, so the actual tuition fee is slightly higher than that of business schools).
Medical and law schools:
The tuition fee for the first two years is 40,000 to 50,000 dollars per year, and then it is about 20,000 dollars per year.
The rest depends on the major.