You can only take the exam once. However, if you signed up for Subject 1 and Subject 2 of the grant, but you only passed Subject 1 and failed Subject 2, you can keep the score of Subject 1, and you can take Subject 2 only by paying the registration fee for Subject 2 in the next exam. Keep your grades for two years. If you pass the written test and fail the interview, you just need to report for another interview. But remember to keep the written test results for two years. If there is no interview within two years, the written test will be retaken. Up to now, the service product matrix of step-by-step learning has begun to take shape: hundreds of professional academic upgrading courses such as self-examination, adult examination, postgraduate entrance examination and MBA; More than 50 kinds of vocational qualification training courses such as nutritionist, psychological counselor, health manager, human resource manager and economist; Broadcasting, hosting, bel canto, illustration and other interest development training courses.