Article 26 of Advanced Articles of The Analects of Confucius: Zeng, Gong Xihua sat on the bench. Confucius said, "If one day I grow up, I won't. Zhu Ze said,' I don't know!' If you know me, why bother? Lutz led the way and said: "If great powers take a thousand times as many countries and help them with their teachers, they will be hungry;" For this reason, compared with three years, you can go forward and know one side. " Master yi. "ah! What about you? " He said: "You are sixty or seventy, you are fifty or sixty, and you ask for more happiness. Compared with three years, you can satisfy the people. If it is a ritual, it is a gentleman. " "Red! What about you? " Right: "If you can't do it, you are willing to learn. If the ancestral hall is agreed, it will be a trivial matter. " "point! What about you? "Drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum. They also say what they think. " He said, "Mo Chun, who has taken the spring clothes, has five or six champions and six or seven boys, bathed in deduction, dancing in the wind and singing back. The master sighed: "I am with a point! "The third son came out and used to be the queen. Zeng said, "What about the words of one husband and three sons?" Confucius said, "It's already what people want." He said, "What's the reason, Master?" He said, "It is a truth to serve the country with courtesy and not keep your word." "Just seek merit, not for state affairs." "Who is safe in sixty or seventy, like fifty or sixty, but not a state?" "Only red is not a state?" "Ancestral temple in conjunction with the governors, isn't it? The red one is small, how can it be big? "
This is the last chapter of this paper and the longest chapter in The Analects of Confucius, with a total of 3 15 words. This chapter is very important, and there are many sayings in past dynasties.
Lutz, Ceng Yong, You Ran and Gong Xihua sat with Confucius. Confucius said, "Because I am older than all of you, no one uses me anymore. You usually say,' People don't know me!' What would you do if someone knew you and [planned to ask you out]? "
Lutz was impatient and spoke first. Let me explain some difficult words in this article first. "Rate" means recklessness. "Photos" refers to clips. "Hunger", food shortage; "Jin", vegetable shortage, together refers to famine. "comparable", wait until. "Fang" refers to etiquette.
Lutz said: a country with thousands of cars is sandwiched between major vassal States and is often invaded by other countries' troops. Coupled with the famine, if I let Luz run it, it will only take me three years to make the people brave and good at fighting and let them know how to observe etiquette. Confucius was noncommittal and only smiled. "Yi" is pronounced as shěn, which means to smile.
Confucius asked again, Ran Qiu, how are you? Ran Qiu said that if a small country is 60 or 70 miles square, or 50 or 60 miles square, I will be in power in Ran Qiu, and within three years, the people will be very rich. As for the ceremony and music, we have to wait for the gentleman to implement it. Ran Qiu is modest here, because among the four disciples, Gong Xihua is the best at music and etiquette, so he says he has to wait for a first-class gentleman.
Confucius said nothing but, Gong Xihua, how are you? Gong Xihua is even more modest. He said, I dare not say what I can do, but I am willing to learn to do it, such as ancestral temple sacrifice and diplomatic activities. I can put on my dress and hat and become a tribute. "Huitong" in this passage refers to diplomacy; "Duan" and "Duan" refer to ancient dresses, and "Zhangfu" refers to ancient hats; "Xiang" refers to the person who praises the ceremony. Gong Xihua said that I would be an eulogist on these occasions, but Confucius did not take a stand on this point.
Confucius asked Ceng Dian that Ceng Dian was Ceng Yong's father. Confucius asked, "Ceng Dian, what do you want?" While the other three disciples were talking, Ceng Dian was playing the piano alone. Confucius asked him, and the piano gradually quieted down, and the "clang" came to an abrupt end. Ceng Dian put the piano aside, stood up and replied, I am different from the three of them. "Write" means to have. The Writing of the Extraordinary Three Sons is different from the ambitions of the other three.
Confucius said, nothing, nothing, what does it matter? Everyone talks about their ambitions.
Ceng Dian said, my ambition is to change into spring clothes and take five or six adults and six or seven children to Yishui for a bath. "Coroner" refers to an adult. The ancients took the age of 20 as a weak crown and put on a hat to show adulthood. According to ancient local records, there are hot springs near Yishui, so Ceng Dian said he would take a bath in Yishui. After soaking in the hot spring, I went to the platform to blow the wind. "Dance (yú)" is a place for offering sacrifices, and the place for offering sacrifices to heaven and praying for rain is in Qufu, Shandong Province today. "Sing back", and "singing" means singing;
This is Ceng Dian's ambition. Confucius sighed after hearing this. I agree with Ceng Dian and Ceng Dian's ambition.
After a while, the other three students left, with Ceng Dian at the end, but he hasn't left yet. Ceng Dian asked, Teacher, what did the three of them say? Confucius said that there is no difference between good and bad, but everyone says his ambition.
Ceng Dian got to the bottom of it and asked the teacher, Why do you laugh at Luz? Confucius said that the country should be governed by courtesy, but Luz was not humble at all. As soon as he told them about his ambition, he immediately began to say that he had no manners at all, so I laughed at him.
Ceng Dian said again, isn't Ran Qiu running the country? Confucius said, where can we say that it is not a country that is fifty or sixty miles square or sixty or seventy miles square? Here, Confucius didn't belittle Ran Qiu's ambition, he was sure. Ceng Dian said again, isn't Gong Xichi governing the country? Confucius said, as for such great events as ancestral temple sacrifice and joint diplomacy, if they are not the affairs of vassal States, what are they? Gong Xichi said to make a small picture. If he can only take small pictures, who can take big pictures? This is due to Gong Xichi's modesty and modesty.
Famous scholars in past dynasties have different opinions on the understanding of this Analects.
Zhu note: "Confucius and points, Gai and sage comrades, that is, Yao and Shun share the same climate." . Sincerity is different from Sanzi's pen, and it is called madness to specialize in nothing. "He also said," The three sons all want to win and rule the country, so the master will not accept it. Ceng Dian, a madman, may not know the master's ambition in order to be a saint. Therefore, the bath is almost a release, the wind is dancing, the words are returning, and the words are happy. Confucius' ambition is to have a sense of security in the old age, to have friends to believe in, and to have little to cherish, so that everything is not where it belongs.
Li Li explained this in vernacular.
In this passage, Confucius praised Ceng Dian instead of the other three, which is meaningful. Lutz, You Ran and Gong Xihua's ambitions are not bad, which embodies Confucius' thoughts of equality, wealth and education, that is, the thoughts of comforting the people, enriching the people and teaching the people. Confucius did not praise them or deny them here, but his life contained a deep disappointment and helplessness. The ideal of the Three Heroes is actually the pursuit of Confucius. However, Confucius traveled around the world all his life, but he could not realize these ideals. Therefore, when Ceng Dian expressed his ambition, Confucius sighed deeply, which included both Confucius' infinite emotion and his approval of Ceng Dian's answer.
Ceng Dian's personality is wild and uninhibited, and his disciples are respectfully answering questions. He plays the piano alone. In fact, he may not know Confucius' mind best, but his answer just fits Confucius' heart; Moreover, he painted a picture of the great governance in the world in poetic language-only when the great governance in the world can master and apprentice swim in the spring water, which is the concrete embodiment of Confucius' ambition of "being old, having little to cherish, and having friends to trust". The real peace in the world is that everything goes with the flow and goes to its proper place. To realize this blueprint, we must educate it.
In Ceng Dian's pictures, there are both scenes of peace in the world and ways to achieve peace, that is, education, so Confucius was particularly happy to hear it. We can also see Confucius' ideal. Confucius' ideal is education. His education is a harmonious education between man and nature, which enables people to be influenced by emotions in a harmonious nature, educated in nature, and cultivated in personality and sentiment. Where is the core of governing the country and leveling the world? Confucius believes that teaching is educating people. If everyone can teach them, everyone can bathe and educate themselves, and everyone can complete and purify themselves, then the world will not need treatment.
Mr. Nan Huai Jin's annotation is slightly different-Lutz and others have great ambitions, but they are always inseparable from self-heroism. What I can do, what I should do ... and they all tend to start from politics. But it was different,
I also hope that the world will be the same, but the success lies not in me, but in culture and education, which really hit Confucius' heart, so Confucius sighed: "I am also good at it."
But Mr Bao Pengshan has a different explanation. Originally published in Guangming Daily (20 17, 2065438) 12, and later edited by Confucius Tathagata.
Yico Zeng actually said such a sentence: "Mo Chun, the spring clothes have been finished, and the champion is five or six, and the boy is six or seven. It was awkward to take a bath, the wind was dancing, and they went home. "
There is neither "achievement" nor "ambition", but what a wonderful life it is! This is the most poetic passage in The Analects.
Mr. Bao thinks: in fact, this conversation was quite heavy at first. On the question thrown by Confucius: "When you are alive, say,' I don't know!'" "If you know me, why bother? Lutz was right, but Ran Qiu and Gong Xihua answered cautiously. They are all expressing their political ambitions and talents and answering "What is this? "On the question of Confucius. However, they ignored that the real pain hidden by Confucius was "I don't know! "What pains us is not that we don't have ambition and talent, but that we only have ambition and talent but can only watch the world sink. This chaotic world doesn't need our ambition and talent at all!
It's good to have Ceng Yong. Ceng Yong had an insight into the teacher's inner pain from the beginning. His faint piano sound and piano sound are actually soothing the hidden pain in his master's heart. His "Three Masters' Works" are completely different from the opinions of Lutz, Ran Qiu and Gong Xihua, which has reversed the direction of this dialogue: political discourse has become a life discourse, social salvation has become a life freedom, and the realistic burden has become a poetic dwelling.
If the language of Lutz and others is practical writing, then Zeng Yong's language is poetry. Also talking about "ambition", Lutz's "ambition" is in the material realm, and Zeng Yong's "ambition" is in the artistic conception. Ambition in the physical environment is inevitably tired of things, subject to things, and often constrained; The "ambition" in the artistic conception can be "things are not things in things". It is not dangerous to wander around. I will walk until the water stops my way and sit and watch the clouds rising in Ran Ran!
"Poetry expressing aspiration" is one of the core theories of Chinese traditional poetics. Yao Dian in Shangshu says: "Poetry expresses ambition", Zuo Zhuan Xiang Gong 27 says: "Poetry expresses ambition", and Zhuangzi Tianxiapian says: "Poetry expresses ambition with Tao". "Xunzi Confucianism" said: "Poetry is its ambition." The question is: Why do we have to use "poetry" to describe our "ambition"?
My answer is: this is to make our "ambition" flexible, especially when facing the solid wall of reality, we can turn a corner without hitting the wall.
When there is "poetry" in "ambition", "ambition" becomes ethereal from entity, soft from hard, and diversified from one direction. This is not the change of ambition, but the flexibility and flexibility of ambition-only with this flexibility and flexibility can we be beautiful, clean and "big" (Mencius)!
As we know, the "elasticity" of a thing is its memory: the stronger the elasticity, the stronger the memory, and the stronger the willpower to recover after being deformed by pressure.
The same is true of human ambition: flexible ambition, talent? "Never forget for a long time" (Analects of Confucius), it is poetry that makes our "ambition" flexible, not the poetry in our hearts.
The above quotation comes from Bao Pengshan's The Tathagata of Confucius. The whole quotation means that if all the previous translations are literal translations, then Mr. Bao's translation is free translation.
Although this is only Bao Pengshan's understanding of Confucius, it is also Confucius in the minds of more people. This is also the temperature of Confucius, which has warmed us for 2500 years. It will be warm forever.