Department setting of Zhejiang University School of Education
The college is now composed of education department, education leadership and policy research institute, curriculum and teaching research institute, physical education department, public sports department, modern educational technology center, applied psychology research center and military theory teaching and research section. There are six research institutes, including Chinese and foreign educational modernization institute, higher education institute, educational science and technology institute and sports science and technology institute. There are Zhejiang University Basic Education Curriculum Research Center of the Ministry of Education, Sports Modernization Development Research Center of the State Sports General Administration, Gauss Education Research Center of Zhejiang University, Physical Fitness Assessment and Training Base of Zhejiang University, Asian Education Research Center, Private Education Research Center, Montessori Research Center and Vocational and Adult Education Research Center. It also owns the UNESCO Asia-Pacific "Education Innovation for Development" (APEID) Zhejiang University Liaison Center and the Asia-Pacific Center of the Global Alliance for University Innovation (Gu Ni -AP) Secretariat, the UNESCO Chair of Entrepreneurship Education in Zhejiang University and the erudite education in Zhejiang University.