In the process of preparing for the exam, candidates should be careful not to write detailed cases. What is presented on the lesson preparation paper must be the important content and ideas of your trial lecture. Because 20 minutes is a combing of knowledge points and ideas for candidates, it is definitely not a display of a quality class. Of course, for candidates with different foundations, the requirements are different. For example, for candidates with teaching experience, a colorful, simple and systematic classroom can be set up; For candidates who have no teaching experience, they can explain the knowledge points clearly according to the requirements of the examination questions. For candidates who are not in the same class, the basic requirements cannot be generalized. For the primary school stage, we must pay attention to the content of the classroom form. The classroom introduction and knowledge explanation should be suitable for the understanding ability and personality characteristics of primary school students, and we should use more cases in life and students' life experience. Candidates in middle school must pay attention to the systematization, organization and logic of knowledge points.
The form of examination questions is also very different from that of teacher recruitment. The content of the national teacher examination questions is not the content of a whole class, but a single teaching fragment or teaching knowledge point, or even a natural paragraph or two of an exercise, a poem or an article. What does the candidate want to talk about when he gets the question? In fact, for this candidate, in addition to understanding the basic process of the lecture, the most important thing is to read the requirements of the examination questions carefully. Because another important content on the test paper is the test requirements, which are generally 3-5, and the types of requirements generally include: class procedure, teaching method requirements, teaching content, classroom situation specificity, teaching evaluation and so on.
In the preparation stage before the exam, candidates must understand the form of the trial lecture and be familiar with the language characteristics of the trial lecture. In addition to preparing lessons, the most important thing is to practice your mouth more, try to talk more and find the feeling of class. Read more lesson plans and write more details. If you don't practice lecturing, you will only get twice the result with half the effort. Of course, for some science subjects, it is also important to be familiar with the content of the textbook, because science requires higher knowledge logic and explains the knowledge points more thoroughly; Liberal arts subjects should pay attention to whether the classroom form conforms to the characteristics of the subject, such as reading and appreciation of Chinese class, case analysis of political class, cultivation of emotional attitude and values, and application of situations and stories in history class. Therefore, candidates should have a basic understanding of their own subject characteristics, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.
The following is the teacher's recruitment information, application guide, reading materials and exam question bank, for your reference.
. Shi Jiao/
If in doubt, please consult the public education enterprises in China.
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