What should I do if I find that my child has mental problems?
Early reading education is an important part of preschool education. Compared with the children in developed countries, there is still a big gap between China's children's reading ability and reading quantity. Some experts pointed out at the seminar on children's reading education exchange between China and the West that children in China began to enter the stage of independent reading at the age of 8 (compared with 4 in the West). It is reported that the incidence of dyslexia among children in Beijing is as high as 6% to 8%. Therefore, we should actively prevent dyslexia as soon as possible. For serious reading disabilities, such as children's neurophysiological defects, special teachers and psychologists need to adopt special methods to correct them, such as multi-sensory channel method, which emphasizes the use of students' multiple sensory channels, such as vision, hearing, movement and touch. Nerve tissue correction method, for children with dyslexia, usually uses visual depiction exercises and eye-hand coordination exercises to promote the development of cerebral hemisphere advantages; For children with emotional disorders, psychological problems should first be corrected by psychological counselors.