4 1 class trademark assignment
Trademark classification 4 1 includes many categories, mainly including education and training, wedding photography, translation, entertainment places and fitness places. Because there are many categories involved, the trademark transfer network here introduces the similar groups of 4 1 trademarks. 4 1 class education and entertainment mainly includes education; Provide training; Entertainment; Cultural and sports activities. Class 4 1 trademark transfer is mainly similar to the following groups: 4 1 kloc-0/education 4 102 organizing educational, cultural and entertainment activities 4 103 library services 4 104 publishing services 4 105 entertainment and sports services. If you need such a trademark, you can find it in the' 41'category of the trademark transfer network. 4 1 trademark transfer process: 1, trademark selection 2, trademark transfer contract signing 3, trademark transfer procedures 4, payment of the balance and submission to the trademark office 5, certificate issuance. The trademark transfer of 4 1 can be entrusted to a trademark agency. Because there are many documents and steps required for trademark transfer registration, you can find a trademark transfer of 4 1.