Wash your hands frequently.
Wash your hands carefully with soap or hand sanitizer before and after meals and after going home to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.
Healthy diet
Avoid letting children drink raw water and eat cold food, and try to choose cooked food and bottled water.
Reduce contact
Avoid letting children touch sick children, especially avoid sharing toys and tableware with others.
Maintain environmental hygiene
Always clean the household hygiene, open the window for ventilation and keep the indoor air circulating.
Timely medical treatment
Once you find that your child has related symptoms, you should seek medical advice in time to avoid the deterioration of your condition.
In the popular season, ensure that classrooms and dormitories are well ventilated to reduce the spread of viruses.
Cleaning and disinfection of articles
Clean and disinfect toys, personal hygiene utensils and tableware every day to ensure hygiene and safety.
Wear protective equipment
When cleaning or disinfecting, the staff should wear gloves and wash their hands immediately after work.
Disinfection of object surface
Wipe and disinfect the surfaces of door handles, stair handrails, desktops and other objects every day.
form good habits
Education guides children to form the habit of washing their hands correctly and enhance their health awareness.
Discover suspicious cases
Conduct morning check-ups every day, take timely delivery, rest at home and other measures when suspicious children are found, and disinfect children's belongings.
Timely report
If it is found that the number of children has increased, it should be reported to the health and education departments in time so as to take further measures.
separate system
During the epidemic, pre-inspection and triage were carried out to ensure that suspected patients were treated in time.
Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection
Increase the cleaning and disinfection frequency of the waiting area to ensure the safety of the medical environment.
Protection of medical personnel
Medical staff should wash their hands or disinfect after diagnosis, treatment and nursing to reduce the risk of cross-infection.
Disinfection of articles
Wipe and disinfect non-disposable instruments and articles to ensure medical safety.
Ward management
Facilities and articles such as sickbeds, tables and chairs used by children must be disinfected before they can be used again to prevent the spread of the virus.
Treatment of secretions and feces
Disinfect children's respiratory secretions, feces and contaminated items to prevent the spread of the virus.
Report the epidemic situation in time
Medical institutions should immediately report to local health administrative departments and disease control institutions when they find that cases or deaths related to enterovirus infection have increased.