Ciro Altman, the son of Ultra Seven, is a new generation of young Otto fighters in the bright country. He once touched the energy core of the plasma spark tower because of his rebellious heart, which almost caused a big mistake. After that, Severn Altman entrusted him to Leo Altman for training, with the aim of shaping Ciro's strong heart.
About Siro Altman:
Cerro Altman, an otter warrior in the Japanese special drama "Altman" series. Ciro Altman is the son of Ultra Seven, a new generation of young Otto soldiers in Bright Country. He once tried to touch the energy core of the plasma spark tower because he was young and rebellious, and almost made a big mistake. Later, Ultra Seven entrusted him to Ultraman Leo for training, with the aim of shaping Ciro's strong heart.
Later, I learned my life experience from the mouth of the otter king, and together with my partners, I successfully saved the bright country threatened by beria Altman.