Domino in Love is an excellent drama produced by Datang, written by He Qing and directed by Liu Xuesong, starring Yu Hewei, Claudia, Han Ye, Song Chunli, Wang Tonghui, Yang Mingna and Zhang Dajing.
brief introduction
Dai Gushun, a toy designer, picked up girls at the old cat coffee vendor, and Xiaonuo Xie, the marketing manager of the game company, was also proposed by her boyfriend Ren Hao at the old cat coffee. Xiaonuo Xie was afraid of getting married and was at a loss. She called her sister in the toilet. Outside the toilet, Dai Gushun educated her daughter about getting married. His words made Xiaonuo Xie more afraid of Ren Hao's proposal.
Ren Hao gave Xiaonuo Xie a mysterious gift from the sky to propose, and Xiaonuo Xie was asked to enter their anniversary. Xiaonuo Xie, at a loss, was so angry that the old cat brought an axe and prepared to solve it violently. Wear bone beside remind, whether today's date, Xiaonuo Xie just suddenly, finally opened the box, there is flushed Ren Hao. Exhausted, Xiaonuo Xie tried to walk away, but Ren Hao caught her and gave her a marriage proposal ring. Xiaonuo Xie wasn't ready, didn't want to accept it, and couldn't talk.