Economics, international economy and trade, finance, finance, e-commerce, law, education (course theory and teaching design direction, international and comparative education direction), educational technology, public utilities management (educational leadership and management direction), sports industry management, human resource management, marketing, logistics management, information management and information system (e-commerce), accounting, financial management, agriculture and forestry economic management. Land resource management (land resource management direction, urban and real estate management direction), labor and social security (social security direction, risk management direction), information resource management (including e-government direction), political science and administration, international politics and sociology.
Philosophy, Chinese language and literature (including film and television animation), classical literature, editing and publishing, history (including cultural industry management), museum science, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, journalism, radio and television journalism, and advertising.
English, French, Japanese, translation, German, French
Art design, art
Mathematics and applied mathematics (including operational research direction), information and computing science (including information processing and information security direction, computer graphics direction), statistics (including financial mathematics, actuarial science, biological mathematics direction), physics (including electronic information direction), chemistry, applied chemistry (including chemical biology direction), geographic information science and technology, geographic information system, resources and environment and urban and rural planning and management, atmospheric science, applied chemistry.
Mechanical engineering and automation, mechanical and electronic engineering, industrial engineering, material science and engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation (automotive engineering direction), energy and environment system engineering (including energy and environmental engineering and automation, refrigeration and artificial environment and its automation direction), new energy science and engineering specialty, system science and engineering, electrical engineering and its automation, automation (electrical), electronic information engineering, civil engineering, Water resources and marine engineering (including port waterway and coastal engineering), marine engineering and technology, process equipment and control engineering, chemical engineering and technology, pharmaceutical engineering, bioengineering, engineering mechanics, aircraft design and engineering, polymer materials and engineering, and environmental engineering.
Information engineering (photoelectric), information and communication engineering, electronic science and technology, computer science and technology, software engineering, automation (control), biomedical engineering, electronic information technology and instruments.
Architecture (5 years, including landscape), urban planning (5 years), digital media technology, industrial design.
Pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmaceutical preparations, basic medicine, preventive medicine and clinical medicine.
Food science and engineering, biosystems engineering, agricultural resources and environment, agronomy, horticulture, plant protection, tea science, applied biological science, landscape architecture, animal science and animal medicine.
As for what major is good for finding a job, it depends on which major you are interested in. If you are willing to do it if you like it, you can do it well, and you can find a good job if you are excellent in any major.