Learn more about the exam content.
Deeply understand the content of the exam and master the outline and main points. Turn over those textbooks, grope for the exam questions of previous years, and touch the test sites clearly!
Make learning plans
Make a study plan, step by step, once and for all, with small goals every day or week. In this way, learning is like playing games. It's easy and enjoyable to come down again and again!
Read some good books.
Read some good books, choose some professional books of family education instructors, and have a deep understanding of the theory and practice of family education. Let knowledge arm your mind!
Attend training courses
Don't miss the opportunity to attend the training class. The knowledge and experience inside are the treasures summarized by predecessors, and you deserve it!
Brush the questions and walk away
Brush the questions, find some questions from previous years, practice your hands and find the feeling. In this way, you can easily cope with the exam!
Take notes and sum up experience.
Take notes, sum up experience, and record all the important and difficult points for future review. At the same time, summarize your own learning experience, so that your learning path will be smoother!
Simulation (examination)
Simulate the exam, simulate the real environment before the exam, and see how well prepared you are. In this way, problems can be found in advance and adjusted in time!