Educational idea is the rational understanding and subjective requirement of "what education should be" formed by educational subjects in teaching practice and educational thinking activities.
The basic characteristics of educational ideas are: (1) Educational ideas are the formation of ideas or ideas that educational subjects think about education and its phenomena, and the result of rational understanding; (2) The concept of education includes the value orientation or tendency of the educational subject about "education should be", which belongs to the concept of "good education"; (3) Educational idea is not educational reality, but comes from thinking about educational reality, which is the conscious reflection of educational subject to educational reality. Therefore, in theory, they are the carriers of ideas, that is, the holders of ideas have a clear understanding of education, which is their perception of education; (4) The concept of education is a universal or superior concept with extensive extension, which can reflect the commonness of various educational thinking concepts such as educational thoughts, educational concepts, educational ideas, educational concepts, educational understanding, educational rationality, educational beliefs and educational creeds. , and the concept itself also contains the commonness of the above concepts. In addition, the concept of education is also expressed in the external form of the above concept to show that it is both abstract and intuitive. Such as educational purpose, educational mission, educational purpose, educational ideal, educational goal, educational requirement, educational principle, etc. (5) Educational ideas are instructive to educational practice.