Many people think that it is not so important for a person to finish primary school, middle school and university. Because many people have gained wealth through entrepreneurship even if they have not received a particularly perfect education. In fact, the self-employed groups only exist in a small number of people, and most of their successful results are quickly squandered and there is no strong capital. This is usually because they have no higher ideals and pursuits after making money.
Education plays a very important role in society. Education can be divided into family education, school education and so on. Together, these educations play a very important role in guiding students.
In the long history, there are only a handful of people who have successfully dropped out of school to start a business, such as Bill Gates, Jobs and Facebook founder Zuckerberg. First, both Gates and Zuckerberg went to Harvard. Both of them dropped out of school after finding ways to make money, and took care of both study and entrepreneurship during their years of study. Later, because Microsoft was too busy, they gave up studying. Jobs came from a relatively poor family. He didn't continue his studies because he couldn't bear to spend his parents' money.
1. The value of basic nine-year compulsory education lies in solving the primitive enlightenment of the educated in moral education, intellectual education, physical education, aesthetic education, labor education and science education. Promote and help the educated to have the basic skills to accept and accept social life.
2. The value of secondary and higher education, such as middle schools and universities, lies in solving the problem that the educated have basic scientific research, practice, experiment, experiment, imitation and innovation enlightenment. Promote and help the educated to have and accept the basic skills of production practice such as specialization, industrialization, standardization, informationization and other scientific inventions.
3. The value of vocational education and training lies in providing a steady stream of skilled talents for social industrialization, industrialization and economic development. Promote and help the educated to understand the post operation technology, take up their posts after training, accept and apply for various professional posts, and master the basic skills of post operation.
There is a saying that it takes ten years to grow trees, but it takes a hundred years to cultivate people. It reveals the fundamental value of education, that is, to provide the country with talents with lofty beliefs, noble morality, honesty and law-abiding, exquisite skills and extensive knowledge, to create scientific knowledge and material wealth for the country, family and society, and to promote economic growth, national prosperity, world peace and human development.
5. From seeking personal survival skills to seeking national interests, national interests, sustainable science and happy and safe high-tech to benefit mankind, there is no end.