How much does Yuanjiang Beida Jade Bird programmer training school need?
The tuition standard of Yuanjiang Beida Jade Bird Programmer Training School varies according to different courses, such as Java development projects, PHP development projects, Web front-end development projects, Python development projects and so on. The tuition standard of Java development project in Yuanjiang Beida Jade Bird Programmer Training School is: primary course: 5200 yuan /3 months; Intermediate course: 4,200 yuan /3 months; Advanced course: 6200 yuan /3 months; The tuition standard of PHP development project is: primary course: 4600 yuan /3 months; Intermediate course: 3,600 yuan /3 months; Advanced course: 5600 yuan /3 months; The tuition standard of Web front-end development project is: primary course: 4200 yuan /3 months; Intermediate course: 3,200 yuan /3 months; Advanced course: 5200 yuan /3 months; The tuition standard of Python development project is: primary course: 4,500 yuan /3 months; Intermediate course: 3,500 yuan /3 months; Advanced course: 5500 yuan /3 months.