Professional name/training level/learning form/years of study
Yantai university international economic and trade college-upgrade correspondence course 2.5
Yantai University Law School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Chinese Language and Literature College Entrance Examination Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Statistics Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Vehicle Engineering Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai university material science and engineering college-upgrade correspondence course 2.5
Yantai university metal material engineering college-junior college correspondence course 2.5
Yantai university energy and power engineering college-upgrade correspondence course 2.5
Yantai University Communication Engineering Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Computer Science and Technology Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Civil Engineering Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Maritime Technical College Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Marine Engineering Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai university fisheries college-junior college correspondence course 2.5
Yantai University Engineering Management Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Business Administration Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Marketing Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Accounting Undergraduate Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University International Economic and Trade High School Correspondence 5
Yantai University Law High School Correspondence 5
Yantai University Chinese Language and Literature High School Correspondence 5
Yantai university mechanical design and manufacture and its automation correspondence 5.
Yantai university vehicle engineering gaoqiben correspondence course 5
Yantai University Material Science and Engineering High School Correspondence 5
Yantai University High School of Energy and Power Engineering Correspondence 5
Yantai university communication engineering gaoqiben correspondence course 5
Yantai University Computer Science and Technology College Correspondence 5
Yantai university civil engineering gaoqiben correspondence course 5
Yantai University Advanced Navigation Technology Correspondence 5.
Yantai University Marine Engineering Senior Middle School Correspondence 5
Yantai University Aquaculture Senior Middle School Correspondence 5
Yantai University Engineering Management Senior Middle School Correspondence 5
Yantai University Business Administration High School Correspondence 5
Yantai university marketing gaoqiben correspondence course 5
Yantai University Accounting High School Correspondence 5
Yantai University Construction Engineering Technology High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Construction Engineering Management High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University School of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Electromechanical Integration Technology High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Technology High School Correspondence 2.5
Correspondence 2.5 from School of Maritime Technology, Yantai University.
Yantai University Ocean Engineering Technology High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Computer Application Technology High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Computer Information Management High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Communication Technology High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Accounting High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University International Economic and Trade High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Business Administration High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Marketing High School Correspondence 2.5
Yantai University Legal Affairs High School Correspondence 2.5
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