After the exam, you can go to the website of China Evaluation Center within the prescribed time limit and enter your own information to query. CISP exam results are generally announced about two months after the exam. Because of the internal business process of the evaluation center, you can get the certificate in about two months. If you fail the exam, there will be 1-2 make-up exam. Please consult the training institution for the specific number of make-up exams. Generally speaking, as long as you listen carefully during CISP pre-test training, you won't have much problem in passing the exam.
CISP professional training is information security professional training managed and standardized by China Information Security Evaluation Center and authorized by training institutions. CISP will provide students with comprehensive, systematic and professional knowledge and skills in the fields of information security, information security standards and laws and regulations, information security technology, information security management and information security engineering.
Free CISP learning materials and knowledge map: /CISP/XZL/N 125.html? fcode=h 1000026