Outward Bound Training, also known as Outward Bound Training, originally meant that a small boat left a calm harbor and went to an unknown journey without hesitation to meet challenges again and again. This kind of training originated in England during World War II. At that time, the Atlantic commercial fleet was repeatedly attacked by the Germans, and many inexperienced young sailors were buried at the bottom of the sea. In view of this situation, Hans and others founded "Aberdeen Weihai School" to train young seafarers' survival ability at sea and survival skills after ships hit rocks, so that their bodies and will can be exercised. After the war, many people thought that this kind of training could still be kept. As a result, the unique concept and training methods of outward bound training have gradually become popular, and the training targets have also expanded from the initial seafarers to various groups such as soldiers, students and industrial and commercial personnel. Training objectives have also expanded from simple physical and survival training to psychological training, personality training, management training and so on.