Acupuncture massage
Acupuncture and massage can help to open the second pulse of Ren Du and the twelve meridians. Ancient health care experts believe that dredging meridians can be an important measure of health care, and the simplest method is stimulation, massage and acupuncture at three important acupoints, namely Hegu, Neiguan and Zusanli. Hegu point can prevent and treat facial diseases, Neiguan point is helpful to prevent and treat heart diseases, and Zusanli point is the most effective to prevent and treat diseases of internal organs, especially digestive system. These are all very good health care methods. For us modern people, it is very beneficial to help ourselves massage and relax in our lives by this method.
Lotus sitting movable ligament
When sitting, bend the left leg, put the instep of the left leg on the groin of the right thigh, put both hands on the left knee, and gently do elastic movements up and down several times to make it touch the ground; Then change your right foot. Insisting on exercise can help activate many ligaments in the human body, so that the muscles such as legs, abdomen, chest and neck can be fully stretched and the meridians can be kept unobstructed. And in this way, you can help yourself to relieve fatigue, which is also good for your health and particularly meaningful.
Regulating breath and dredging five zang-organs
Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth every morning, and say to yourself: shh, heh, mouth 4, breathe, don't make any noise. Every sound corresponds to a viscera: hush to the liver, hehe to the heart, mouth to the lungs, blowing to the kidney, and breathing to the spleen. This is to adjust the breath and dredge the five internal organs by adjusting the breath. If "Shu" can nourish the liver and improve eyesight, and "He" can clear the heart and reduce fire, long-term persistence will have certain effects. Of course, this situation must be adhered to. If you can't persist, it will naturally have no effect.
What I have introduced to you above is the solution to the impassability of meridians. We can find that the impassability of meridians is a problem that many people have at present, which is caused by our unhealthy life, so we should learn to dredge meridians. These methods introduced above are all very good, don't miss them.