1, be polite and pay attention to etiquette.
When student cadres communicate with teachers, they must be polite and say hello when entering and leaving the office. Student cadres and teachers can have the same intimacy as partners, but they must distinguish between occasions and do so when they should authorize teachers. In dealing with classmates, we should also pay attention to politeness and respect each other. Don't feel superior just because you are a student cadre. It is necessary to define the position of cadres, take serving classmates as their own responsibility, and don't put yourself above classmates.
When dealing with other student cadres, we should also pay attention to politeness, and don't rank officials because of their size, showing great respect for "officials" and disrespect for "officials" Xiao Jiu. The division of responsibilities of student cadres is set up in order to better complete the task. Only when all cadres cooperate with each other, respect each other and cooperate with each other can we complete one task after another. Paying attention to etiquette and personal image, leaving a good impression on teachers and classmates, is more conducive to establishing a good personal image and establishing prestige among classmates.
2. Strong sense of responsibility
Responsibility is a necessary element to decide whether cadres and students can pass many tests and become excellent student cadres. Some cadres and classmates joined the ranks of cadres because they were full of interest in being cadres. Do the tasks you are interested in, and deal with the ones you are not interested in at will. If the workload is too heavy, don't do it directly.
Another aspect of the sense of responsibility is that the work is completed on time, and the tasks assigned by teachers or superiors can be completed on time or in advance, which is convenient for the next step. Of course, the prerequisite for completing the work is quality and quantity.
Responsibility is also reflected in doing it first and then saying it. If you don't think it is necessary, or have problems with the assigned work, you should first carefully analyze the tasks you accept. If there is no mistake in the general direction, complete the assigned task first, and then communicate with the teacher or classmate who assigned the task. Because many times we do our work without considering it from a comprehensive perspective, we only see the trees but not the forest. Work arrangements should be planned. If the work assigned to you is not completed, a lot of work will lag behind.
3. Rich theoretical knowledge and innovative thinking.
Student cadres should not only be practical, but also have their own systematic methods and theoretical guidance. Cadres can accumulate experience in practice, and it is necessary to study and read various works of the party and management. Reading the biographies of these great men can also sublimate our thoughts. It is very good to read western management works, such as peter drucker, Napoleon Renhill and Jack Welch, and it is also helpful to read China's contemporary management works. With theory as a guide to action, all work will be more effective.