There is also the second personal pronoun "you", but Leizhou dialect uses the word "you" (many people write Leizhou dialect with the word "Lu" instead of "you", which is incorrect and can only play a homophonic role and has no meaning).
In addition, there are ancient moments in time. If a foreigner sounds like he wants an ancient Chinese dictionary, such as the Japanese fight (noon), the year of the ship (the year before last) and so on, it will be very interesting.
Another obvious thing is that the adverbial of Leizhou dialect is postpositioned. In modern Chinese, adverbials usually precede predicates, but Leizhou dialect still retains the post-adverbial feature of ancient Chinese.
For example, in modern Chinese, "You should eat more." Leizhou dialect puts the adverbial "duo" after the predicate "eat", forming "you should eat more."
Like Mandarin, the pronunciation of Leizhou dialect is written and spoken, but spoken language is very common in daily communication of Leizhou dialect. For example, "Huang" has two pronunciations, namely "ui5" (spoken language) and "Huang 5".
The indefinite article in Leizhou dialect is also different from modern Chinese, which may be a local feature. If you write a composition, I really don't know if it should be right or wrong. For example, it is called a shoe in Mandarin, "a shoe" in Leizhou dialect, and a cluster of trees (a tree), just like in Minnan dialect.
There are also local phonetic characters, but due to the development of history, these characters have disappeared a lot in modern Chinese. It can also be seen that Leizhou dialect is ancient.
For example, there is the word "wet" in Leizhou dialect. The original word of "Dam" is "Tan Dan", and now we can only feel the word from the language.